How to get better FPS in VALORANT?

To begin, it's crucial to ensure that your PC meets VALORANT's system requirements. By adhering to the minimum or, ideally, recommended specifications

Credit- r/VALORANT
By Naman Alok | Oct 26, 2023 | 3 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

To play VALORANT, a fast game, you need your computer to be quick. If your PC and monitor can show more pictures every second, you can do better. This article helps you with that. We talk about how your computer needs to be good enough to play VALORANT. If it’s not, you might have problems. We also look at screens. Some screens are better for games. And we talk about something important – drivers for your computer. If they are old, your game might be slow. So, let’s start and make your game faster!” How to get better FPS in VALORANT?

System Requirements

To begin, it’s crucial to ensure that your PC meets VALORANT’s system requirements. By adhering to the minimum or, ideally, recommended specifications, you can lay the foundation for seamless gameplay. Here’s a breakdown:

Minimal Requirements

– CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400

– GPU: Intel HD 3000

– RAM: 4GB

– OS: Windows 7 64-Bit

Recommended Requirements

– CPU: 7700K

– GPU: 1080

– RAM: 8GB

– 256GB SSD and ideally over 144 FPS

Ideal Requirements

– CPU: Over 9900K

– GPU: Over 1080 TI

– RAM: 8GB

– 256GB SSD and 144 FPS on max graphics

Upgrading Your Monitor

Your monitor plays a pivotal role in determining your FPS. If you’re still using a standard 60Hz monitor, it’s time to consider an upgrade. Monitors with 144Hz or 240Hz refresh rates can significantly enhance your gaming experience, especially if your PC has the power to match. Using a high-performance rig with a 60Hz monitor can restrict your gaming potential.

Updating Graphics Drivers

Updating your graphics drivers is often an overlooked solution for frame rate issues. Follow these steps:

1. Type ‘Device Manager’ into your PC’s search bar.

2. Open the ‘Device Manager’ app and select ‘Display Adapters.’

3. Choose your graphics card.

4. In the new window, go to the ‘Driver’ tab.

5. Select the ‘Update Driver’ option.

6. Search automatically for drivers and follow your computer’s instructions.

If your drivers are already up to date, your computer will inform you.

Adjusting Graphics Quality Settings

Lowering your graphics quality settings can be a game-changer for FPS improvement. While this may result in some graphical sacrifices, it’s a cost-effective method to boost performance. In the video settings, you can make necessary adjustments, including reducing Material Quality, Texture Quality, Detail Quality, UI Quality, and Anisotropic Filtering. Depending on your hardware, you may not need to set everything to the lowest; in some cases, medium settings will suffice.

Lowering Resolution

If adjusting graphics quality doesn’t yield the desired results, consider lowering your resolution. Playing at a higher resolution may be causing frame rate issues, especially if your hardware can’t keep up. Reducing the resolution is a simple yet effective way to achieve better FPS. If you have a powerful computer and a 4K monitor, lowering the resolution to 1440p can make a noticeable difference. Similarly, if you’re using a 1440p monitor and still encountering issues, scaling down to 1080p can lead to smoother gameplay, albeit with slightly reduced visuals.

Disabling Full-Screen Optimization

While playing in full screen may seem ideal, it can strain your computer’s resources. To disable full-screen optimization for VALORANT, follow these steps:

1. Locate the folder where VALORANT is installed and find the ‘VALORANT-Win64-Shipping.exe’ file.

2. Right-click on the file and select ‘Properties.’

3. Navigate to the ‘Compatibility’ tab.

4. Check the box labeled ‘Disable fullscreen optimization.’

5. Apply your changes and launch VALORANT.

This adjustment should alleviate the load on your PC, resulting in more consistent frame rates.

Addressing Internet Connection Issues

If you continue to experience frame rate problems, your internet connection may be a contributing factor. Ensure that you’ve addressed high ping issues in VALORANT, but if the problem persists, consider upgrading your hardware, particularly your graphics card and processor. While not a universal solution, upgrading your hardware can be a game-changer for achieving the desired FPS and maintaining a competitive edge.

Optimizing FPS in VALORANT involves a combination of hardware adjustments and in-game settings. By following these steps, you can enjoy smoother gameplay and give yourself an advantage in this highly competitive tactical shooter.

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