Ghost of Tsushima PC Release Requires PSN Account for Multiplayer Access

Ghost of Tsushima gets ready to come out on PC on May 16, gamers are wondering what Sony's plans are for the future.

Credits- Sucker Punch Productions
By Naman Alok | May 11, 2024 | 2 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

Sony’s game Ghost of Tsushima is coming to PC and you will need a PSN account to play with friends. This means you connect to PlayStation’s online world and It is like when you link your phone to your computer. The game’s maker Sucker Punch says you only need this for the multiplayer part but if you just want to play alone you don’t need it. Some people are worried about this because they think it might make things hard for gamers. But Sony wants to connect all gamers no matter what they play on. Ghost of Tsushima PC Release Requires PSN Account for Multiplayer Access

Sony’s Steam Integration

Gamers are talking a lot about Sony joining up its PlayStation Network with Steam, they recently said they are making Helldivers 2 which shows they want to connect their gaming stuff more. This is a big plan to get better at PC gaming and keep their multiplayer games strong.

Developer Confirmation

Sucker Punch is the Developers of Ghost of Tsushima said that if you want to play the multiplayer part of the game on your computer, you need to have a PlayStation Network account. This shows that Sony wants everyone to be able to play together.

Sucker Punch addressed worries from players about needing a PSN account to play the game’s multiplayer mode. They explained that having a PSN account is necessary for playing Legends but not for the single-player campaign. They understood the concerns of players but wanted to make sure everyone knows how the game works.

The PlayStation Overlay is a cool new thing that makes PC and PlayStation work together even better. With this feature people playing games on their computer can easily connect with the PlayStation world. They can even earn Trophies while playing the PC versions of their favorite games.

Player Feedback

Sucker Punch said they are listening to what players are saying online and they are committed to making sure everyone can enjoy their game. Even though you need a PSN account to play with others online but they are still focused on making the game accessible and fun for everyone.

As Ghost of Tsushima gets ready to come out on PC on May 16, gamers are wondering what Sony’s plans are for the future. Some were unsure after the Helldivers 2 issue but Sony seems serious about making it easier to play games across different platforms.

The news about Ghost of Tsushima coming to PC shows that Sony is changing how they let people play games on different devices. Some players might worry about needing a PSN account but Sony wants to bring all their gamers together.

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