Overwatch 2: What does ‘aim assist ease in’ mean in the game?

When navigating through Overwtach 2’s controller settings, players might have noticed an option named “aim assist ease in.”

credit: Blizzard Entertainment
By Rohit Kohli | Dec 23, 2022 | 2 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

When navigating through Overwatch 2’s controller settings, players might have noticed an option named “aim assist ease in.” Most players already know about the concept of aim assist. It enables them to use controllers in cross-platform multiplayer games that allow them to stay competitive, thanks to a more precise keyboard and mouse control scheme.

Just like many other FPS games, Overwatch 2 offers aim assist feature to its players, It lets them tweak and adjust how it works to get the most of their weapons. While many players find aim assist derogatory, as it gives players an unfair advantage over players who use a mouse and keyboard.

However, that might not be the case. In most titles, aim assist is meant to bring players who use controllers to match the level of players who use a mouse and keyboard, which are said to be more accurate input choices. In this article, we will discuss the aim assist ease in for Overwatch 2

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What is aim assist ease in?

While it sounds like a feature that would help players aim better, it actually offers a very precise functionality. Aim assist affects the way a player’s crosshair moves once they point it at a target.

When the crosshair is over a hitbox, the in-game sensitivity is decreased for the duration that the crosshair stays pointed at them. This makes target tracking easy for players. The feature alters the way a player’s sensitivity goes up or down when their crosshair moves over a target.

If players set ease in to a higher number, their aim assist will feel less snappy and will need the crosshair to be aimed on an enemy. For players with heroes who make use of projectile weapons such as Pharah or Junkrat, they will want their ease to be higher in value.

On the other hand, setting aim assist ease in to a lower number will result in a much stronger snap. A player’s sensitivity will be decreased significantly as soon as their crosshair moves within an enemy’s hitbox. This enables them to have the largest possible area of low sensitivity around a character.

The feature can be adjusted for every single hero in the game, so players don’t have to use the same number for different heroes. Players are advised to play around with the settings and find out what works for them best.

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