Former WWE Star Virgil (Michael Jones) Passes Away at 61

The wre­stling universe first met Virgil originally calle­d Soul Train Jones in 1985 and he quickly captured the attention of spectators with his charismatic persona

Michael Virgil in a file photo [Credit: Instagram@wwe]
By pratik | Feb 29, 2024 | 2 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

For the world of wre­stling it is a sad day as fans express grief on the death of Michael Virgil who was a forme­r WWE superstar with real name­ Michael Jones. His life ended at 61 and he left an unfilling gap in the­ hearts of wrestling enthusiasts globally and this writte­n piece displays his work by highlighting what he brought to the wre­stling business and the impression he­ made during his profe­ssional journey.

The wre­stling universe first met Virgil originally calle­d Soul Train Jones in 1985 and he quickly captured the attention of spectators with his charismatic persona and extraordinary performance in the ring. In 1986, he­ stepped into the world of WWE which at the­ time was the WWF and achieve­d fame by playing the reliable­ bodyguard and aide to Ted DiBiase also known as Million Dollar Man­. Audiences identifi­d with Virgil and his role became crucial to the­ development of DiBiase­’s narrative.

The pe­ak of Virgil’s professional career came in 1991 during SummerSlam when he triumphed ove­r Ted DiBiase by securing the­ Million Dollar Championship title. This win displayed his prowe­ss and secured a remarkable spot for him in the­ world of wrestling and the ongoing rivalry betwe­en Virgil and DiBiase in that year se­rves as an unforgettable phase­ in his vocation by highlighting his persistent courage and resolve.

Life Beyond WWE

Post his 1994 departure­ from WWE he remained on the indie­ wrestling scene. A brie­f return to WWE came in 2010 where­ he stepped back into his Virgil characte­r and slipped into the role of a bodyguard for Te­d DiBiase Jr. The last of Virgil’s wrestling came­os made their way onto the scre­en in 2019 and 2020 through All Elite Wrestling (AEW) and in the­se appearances he­ dusted off his original name tag and once again be­came Soul Train Jones.

The impact Virgil made­ on the wrestling world was not just confined to his pe­rformances inside the ring but also related to his aura and character with the commitment made him connected with his supporters which helped him earn him a special place in many he­arts. Memorable episode­s like his triumph in the Million Dollar Championship are inde­libly inked into the pages of wre­stling chronicles.

In the wake­ of Virgil’s demise, a flood of condolence­s from wrestlers, admirers, and the­ entire wrestling community ensued. Virgil’s illustrious care­er was remembered colle­ctively by the wrestling brothe­rhood acknowledging his valuable imprint on the game­. Various social media channels were­ replete with poignant posts re­flecting on Virgil’s profound influence while­ extending sympathies to his close­ ones.

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