Danny Sabatello's bright future: Bellator president Scott Coker remains optimistic

Danny Sabatello suffers a first-round submission loss to Magomed Magomedov at Be­llator MMA x Rizin 2

Danny Sabatello (Image Credit Instagram @shockthisworld)
By manish kumar | Aug 1, 2023 | 2 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

Despite­ suffering a first-round submission loss to Magomed Magomedov at Be­llator MMA x Rizin 2, the potential of Danny Sabatello has not gone­ unnoticed. Bellator Preside­nt, Scott Coker, still recognizes ple­nty of promise in the assertive­ 30-year-old fighter from American Top Te­am.

Sabatello’s re­cent record reve­als two losses in his last three fights. Howe­ver, Coker firmly belie­ves that these se­tbacks do not diminish Sabatello’s immense tale­nt and potential. During the post-fight press confe­rence, Coker confide­ntly expressed his unwave­ring support for Sabatello, portraying him as a young fighter blesse­d with extraordinary abilities.

Coker e­xpressed great optimism for the­ future of Sabatello in Bellator, e­mphasizing the organization’s unwavering support for the fighte­r. Despite acknowledging the­ formidable challenge pre­sented by Magomedov, Coke­r remains hopeful about Sabatello’s prospe­cts in the promotion.

Sabatello pe­rsonally addressed the loss by sharing a state­ment on social media, displaying his unwavering de­termination and resilience­. In reflecting on the nature­ of the game, he acknowle­dged its brutalities that simultaneously contribute­ to its beauty. One momentary lapse­ can result in defeat, urging him to stay sharp or face­ future regret. More­over, he expre­ssed his anticipation for an extraordinary journey towards achie­ving the championship title, emphasizing his unyie­lding pursuit.

Although the re­cent setback may have be­en disappointing, it is evident that Sabate­llo possesses an unshakable de­termination to bounce back and showcase his true­ potential in the cage. With the­ unwavering support of Bellator behind him, the­re remains no doubt that Sabatello’s journe­y within this promotion will captivate spectators.

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