Nintendo Confirms Switch Successor Release Date Details

Nintendo's president, Shuntaro Furukawa, made a big announcement on the company's official platform.

Credits- Nintendo
By Naman Alok | May 10, 2024 | 3 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

Nintendo fans are thrilled because Nintendo has officially announced that they are working on a new console called the Switch 2. People have been talking about this for a long time, wondering what it will be like and when it will come out. Nintendo has confirmed it’s happening and everyone is excited to learn more about what the Switch 2 will be like, what it can do and when they can get their hands on it.

Confirmation from Nintendo’s President

Nintendo’s president, Shuntaro Furukawa, made a big announcement on the company’s official platform. He confirmed that they are working on a new console to follow up on the super popular Switch. Furukawa hinted that we can expect to see the new console revealed sometime this year.

In a recent statement posted on Nintendo’s X platform (formerly known as Twitter), Furukawa left no doubt about Nintendo’s plans. He boldly declared, “We will announce the next Nintendo Switch within this year.” 

Exclusion from Upcoming Nintendo Direct

Furukawa made it clear that even though the Switch 2 is about to be announced, it won’t be revealed during the next Nintendo Direct happening in June. Instead, the focus of the presentation will be on the games coming out in the latter part of 2024. As for any info about the next-gen console that’s staying secret for now.

Nintendo’s choice not to unveil the Switch 2 during the June Nintendo Direct shows they are thinking carefully about their money and how they market their stuff. Since the regular Switch is still doing well and selling lots, Nintendo wants to make sure they sell even more games, especially around the busy holiday time.

Experts are guessing about when the Switch 2 might come out but there’s not much solid info yet. Looking at how Nintendo usually releases new stuff it could be around 2025. But making new hardware is tricky so it might not be until 2026 that fans can get their hands on it.

Nintendo is taking its time to announce the Switch 2 because they want to keep the gaming excitement going strong. They are working on some big games like Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door to keep their fans happy and interested. This slow approach shows how much they care about keeping players engaged.

Speculation Surrounding Switch Successor

People are talking about new stuff like DLSS and a new version of the Joy-Con controllers. Nintendo recently showed off a prototype and teased us with a demo of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

As Nintendo gets ready to introduce the next big thing in gaming, excitement is building up among fans everywhere. While we don’t know much about the new Nintendo Switch yet one thing’s for sure: gaming’s future looks promising. Nintendo always brings fresh ideas and fun, so everyone’s eager to see what they will come up with next.

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