Instead of ratting, the top Apex Legends players use one aggressive character

The top 750 players in the game, known as Apex Predators, are distinguishing themselves from Masters by adopting one of the antagonistic characters.

Instead of ratting, the top Apex Legends players use one aggressive character, Credit: Apex Legends
By Shubham Dalal | Jun 24, 2023 | 2 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

There is no question that Season 17 of Apex Legends has corrupted the Master rank. There are more Master-ranked players this season than ever before because players only need to hide and earn high placements to rank up. The top 750 players in the game, known as Apex Predators, are distinguishing themselves from Masters by adopting one of the antagonistic characters.

In season 17, Horizon didn’t get a boost. She actually most recently had her weapon accuracy nerfed while using her tactical, Gravity Lift, in season 16. If you need more information about Instead of ratting, the top Apex Legends players use one aggressive character, then read carefully, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Instead of ratting, the top Apex Legends players use one aggressive character:

Despite this, her pick rate this season has steadily increased, and she is by far the most well-liked legend among Apex Predator players, according to the statistics website Apex Legends Status. Evidently, Horizon’s new Heirloom is likely a factor in her higher pick rate. However, there is a significant difference between Horizon’s pick rate in almost every other rank and the pick rate of Apex Predator players, who currently pick the Gravitational Manipulator more than a quarter of the time.

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Furthermore, she lacks the skills that make characters like Loba or Wraith useful for avoiding conflict or engaging in combat. In Horizon, participation is key. Horizon is much less of a one-vs-one monster than she used to be and is now all about helping her team open up fights, especially since the nerf to her weapon accuracy on Gravity Lifts.

She can start a fight off with a significant amount of damage using her Black Hole and grenade spam, and if teams can’t stop her or avoid it, the battle is practically over. The Gravity Lift, meanwhile, continues to be a fantastic option for Horizon players to aid their entire team in challenging high-ground positions and can be an effective weapon against potent endgame ultimates like Caustic’s Gas Grenade, Catalyst’s Dark Veil, or Bangalore’s Creeping Barrage.

 Although it’s simple this season to become a Diamond or Master by simply becoming the game’s ultimate rat and hiding out, those who are actually interested in improving their Apex game may want to pick up Horizon and get ready for battle.

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