Destiny 2 weekly reset: bonus ranks in playlists and more

Destiny 2 Season of the Risen is about to see its conclusion, as the first chapter of The Witch Queen also comes to an end.

credit: Bungie
By Rohit Kohli | May 16, 2022 | 2 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

Destiny 2 Season of the Risen is about to see its conclusion, as the first chapter of The Witch Queen also comes to an end with the first annual event in the expansion. A new season will also bring some changes to the sandbox, with a potential overhaul to the Solar or Arc subclass. Fans can expect some old items in the weekly reset on May 17.

Some of the upcoming activities are the latest piece of the Guardian Games questline, bonus ranks in all playlists, Scarlet Keep Nightfall, and Team Scorched in the Crucible. In this article, we will tell you about the upcoming content from the last week of Season of the Risen.

Guardian Games conclusion

The final stage in the Medallion Batallion and Shoot to Score questlines will be available for all players, further enabling players to get a Platinum Torchbearer triumph. Players will be required to gather medals and earn scores inside the Competitive Playlist to get Platinum rewards.

Lighting all the torches on either side of the podium will allow players to complete the triumph. Additionally, it will also be the last week for all three classes to take on each other. Weapons like the Legendary Title SMG and Exotic Heir Apparent will no longer be a part of next year’s Guardian Games.

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Bonus ranks in all playlists

The upcoming week will be the last chance for players to get three different ornaments for the Season 16 ritual, Reckless Endangerment. Each playlist ornament will have 3 seasonal challenges for 3 additional weeks, and can be claimed right now.

Fortunately, Bungie will be offering bonus ranks to all playlist activities, including Vanguard Strikes, Gambit, and Crucible. Players can gain all of these ranks by further earning activity streak.

Team Scorched

Team Scorched is making a comeback in the last week of Season 16, and players can try and defeat 50 opponents for the seasonal challenge. The game mode gives players a Fallen cannon, and they need to dominate opponents using projectiles.

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