Séamus Coleman Recognition


Competition Awards 2013-2014 PFA Team of the Year (Premier League)
Goals/Shot 2016-2017 Premier League 0.22 (10th)
Throw-Ins taken 2018-2019 Premier League 328 (7th)
2021-2022 Premier League 171 (9th)
% of dribblers tackled 2018-2019 Premier League 58.1 (10th)
2019-2020 Premier League 60.0 (4th)
2021-2022 Premier League 63.6 (10th)
Nutmegs 2019-2020 Premier League 6 (9th)
Red Cards 2010-2011 Premier League 1 (6th)
2019-2020 Premier League 1 (5th)
Own Goals 2018-2019 Premier League 1 (5th)