Top 5 champions in the League of Legends arena who are most accessible to abuse

Because of this, players constantly look for new, undervalued picks that offer comparable success rates and are simple to get while also being competitive.

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By Shubham Dalal | Aug 6, 2023 | 4 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

Like every other game mode, League of Legends’ Arena has overpowered champions that players will attempt to exploit, but it’s likely that as they are used more frequently, their ban rates will soar. Because of this, players constantly look for new, undervalued picks that offer comparable success rates and are simple to get while also being competitive.

Let’s talk about some of the underrated champions in Arena now that the game mode has been available for some time and Riot Games developers are starting to balance things out with Patch 13.15. They might not have elite numbers, but they make up for it with respectable pick rates and low ban rates, so you can always count on them when you need them. If you need more information about the Top 5 champions in the League of Legends arena who are most accessible to abuse, then read carefully, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Top 5 champions in the League of Legends arena who are most accessible to abuse:

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5. Viktor

Control mages are excellent candidates for achieving consistent results in the arena due to their high damage, effective crowd controls, and zoning tools. Viktor, whose play rate has been gradually increasing, is one of them. Pick rate increased steadily after patch 13.15, increasing by more than 1%.

The Machine Herald’s top two percentage, which is the second-highest among all game champions at almost 60%, is even more impressive. His equipment is ideal for players who prefer to hit and run, using their abilities while avoiding enemies. He can quickly take out enemies with his AoE burst damage while also gaining extra movement speed and shields from his Q. However, Viktor may appear on the ban list more frequently as more players learn about the champion’s power. Before it’s too late, take advantage of him right away.

4. Xayah

A few ADC champions have managed to survive and are performing well despite being the weakest class of champions in the game mode. As a result of her self-peeling kit and her capacity to kite champions while fighting, Xayah is one of them.

She has been gradually increasing her play rate as a result of this patch’s nerfs to some of the strongest champions; according to METAsrc, she has nearly reached four percent with a 59.54 percent top-two finish rate. Although ADCs aren’t the most popular picks in LoL Arena, she can be a good backup option if other power picks are disallowed.

3. Wukong

Wukong, the last champion on the list, is probably one of the champions who fits Arena the best: a tanky bruiser with reliable damage, sustain, and mobility. He represents everything a champion should be, in other words, to enter the ring of battle. He won’t let you down.

When Jax is barred from the lobby, I have been using him as a backup, and he has consistently performed admirably for me. Wukong is fully equipped to prevail in the fight, barring the enemy’s use of an excessive number of crowd controls to stop you. Although he may not be of the highest caliber, he can improve your chances of finishing in the top two in your lobby matches.

2. Orianna

Orianna is the next mid-lane mage in the lineup. Contrary to Viktor, the Clockwork Lady plays in Arena more supportively, shielding her allies while impeding the enemy’s movement with her slows.

Orianna is typically chosen to vary the damage output with her partner while introducing a sizable amount of burst damage. Her ideal teammates are typically physical damage champions like Fiora and Riven who possess bruiser-like traits and good mobility. Because enemies won’t be able to anticipate when Orianna plans to cast the Shockwave, their synergy can result in unexpected combos.

1. Corki

Corki shares the passion of Yordle champions for arena combat. The health bars of the majority of champions can be swiftly destroyed with a few rockets thanks to his extremely high and long-range poke damage as well as his nature as a hybrid damage dealer. He can also draw a distance by flashing out and using his own W, Valkyrie, to get out of harm’s way in case he gets jumped on by the enemies. METAsrc’s statistics show that Corki has a 58.28 percent win rate, a first-place finish in 28% of the games he has participated in, and a 1.34 percent ban rate, which means he is always available to play.

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