The top off-meta champions in League of Legends patch 13.14

Players in the competitive and solo queues have discovered the best picks and tactics to consistently outperform their rivals since Patch 13.14 was released on July 19.

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By Shubham Dalal | Jul 30, 2023 | 3 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

Even though League of Legends is one of the most meta-adherent video game franchises out there, Off-meta champions are significant choices worth considering. They are typically not prohibited and, when used appropriately, have incredible value.

Players in the competitive and solo queues have discovered the best picks and tactics to consistently outperform their rivals since Patch 13.14 was released on July 19. But at the same time, LoL players will have discovered unusual and unconventional strategies to triumph in matches. Although they are typically more difficult to implement, having knowledge that they are an option can give you a significant advantage during the draft. You should learn and master these top off-meta champions in LoL Patch 13.14.

The top off-meta champions in League of Legends patch 13.14:

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3. Sejuani top and support

Sejuani in League of Legends is typically regarded as a potent jungle option with the ability to bring both significant crowd control and strong engagement potential. Sejuani can easily be flexed to the top lane or support, though, if the jungle matchup is difficult. Top lane Sejuani is the stronger of the two because she scales reasonably well thanks to Heartsteel while maintaining her key advantages as a superb front liner. Sejuani also has an advantage over most top lane opponents thanks to her quick wave-pushing W and the fact that she can typically win short trades thanks to her passive.

If your team requires some sort of hard-engage and pick potential, Sejuani also serves as a support. Although Sejuani’s laning phase could be better, once she unlocks the ultimate, she has excellent roams.
When Sejuani plays in the top lane, she prioritizes Heartsteel as her Mythic item, followed by Sunfire Cape, Abyssal Mask, Thornmail, and Force of Nature. To benefit from the AoE healing for your team, replace Heartsteel with Radiant Virtue when using Sejuani as support.

2. Rumble support 

Recent patches in League of Legends have seen Rumble appear more frequently, and he is doing well in his primary position in the top lane. When Rumble is chosen as a support, the same traits still apply because of his strong all-in and excellent poke, making him a very annoying champion to deal with.

He can poke and harass enemies with his E during the planning phase as long as he’s played alongside a bully bot laner with high range, and he can then go for all-ins whenever they drop below 40% health. Furthermore, Rumble will always have access to the Equalizer, his ultimate weapon, which will enable him to stop escaping enemies. He can roam with it as well, and he will always be an important player in any team fight.

1. Rell jungle

Rell in League of Legends has developed into one of the game’s most powerful supports thanks to her mid-scope update in Patch 13.11. She excels in a variety of roles, however. Professional and solo queue players have both been using Rell Jungle, taking advantage of her versatility to gain significant advantages in the draft. Her new kit gives her the crowd controls and engagement tools she needs to be a useful jungler later in the game while still allowing her to get good ganks early on. In line with other tank junglers, the jungle clear is also not bad.

Evenshroud, Knight’s Vow, and Zeke’s Herald make up her build. Every time she engages in ganks or plays with her allies, these tools are meant to strengthen their positions. Choose two items from Abyssal Mask, Frozen Heart, Thornmail, or Force of Nature to focus the remaining items on boosting her own resistances. Rell Jungle is a great choice to help her team win, despite the fact that she is average at solo carry games.

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