Riot's plans for bot lane as LoL developers prepare 10 nerfs for the upcoming patch

Things aren't getting any easier either with the pre-update League Patch 13.11 announcements on May 22 shared by the game's development team on Twitter.

Top 5 champions in League of Legends that are the hardest to master, Credit: League of Legends
By Shubham Dalal | May 23, 2023 | 2 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

It’s almost becoming difficult to keep up with all the changes that have been made to League of Legends in 2023, especially if you’re a newer jungle or frequently play one of the two roles in the bot lane. Things aren’t getting any easier either with the pre-update League Patch 13.11 announcements on May 22 shared by the game’s development team on Twitter.

Aurelion Sol, Jinx, Aphelios, Kog’Maw, and Amumu are the five champions that will receive nerfs in the upcoming League update; four of them are ADC bot laners. If you need more information about Riot’s plans for bot lane as LoL developers prepare 10 nerfs for the upcoming patch, then read carefully, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Riot’s plans for bot lane as LoL developers prepare 10 nerfs for the upcoming patch:

Aphelios’ nerf is the most unexpected of these because, unlike the other soon-to-be-changed champions, he currently has a less-than-stellar win rate in League queues of 48.59 percent. He needs to be buff if anything.

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Additionally, the following items are scheduled to receive nerfs Ardent Censer, Echoes of Helia, Galeforce, Stormrazor, and Youmuu’s Blade. Some of these items have already received new adjustments as of League Patch 13.10. There is a pattern here, as four of these five items are core picks for bot lane builds, as you can see.

However, Riot Games, the company behind League of Legends, frequently makes balance changes to champions, items, and gameplay elements to maintain a fair and competitive playing environment for all players. This might involve tweaks to the game’s various mechanics, such as improvements or nerfs.

Jhin has established himself as the “must-have” AD carry choice for any bot lane duo since Patch 13.10 thanks to his incredible win rates when paired with support characters like Sona, Xerath, Janna, and Zyra. However, Riot’s recently planned item nerfs may cause this to start to change. These nerf may result in yet another shift in the support meta, which has previously been tank-focused. This is true even for the supports who are thriving thanks to the items Echoes of Helia, like Sona and Janna, and Ardent Censor for Milio, Janna, Sona, and Yuumi.

It’s safe to say that the bot lane will see more changes even though the extent of these nerfs won’t be known until the full League patch details are released. Always remember that these League nerfs are provisional until they go live.

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