Oshi no Ko Anime Episode 1 Overview and know more about It

The first episode of Oshi no Ko opened with the introduction of Gorou, a physician and ardent admirer of Ai Hoshino, a well-known teenage idol.

Oshi no Ko (image: Twitter/ @Rixi0303)
By Mahaksh Chauhan | Apr 13, 2023 | 3 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

On April 12, 2023, the first episode of Oshi no Ko, which lasted 90 minutes, was made available. The anime’s first episode had a profound influence on the world, and it has since become a global phenomenon. The first episode of Oshi no Ko was an emotional rollercoaster for the viewers. Despite the funny beginning, the narrative showed a much darker and more corrupt aspect of the entertainment business.

The manga series Oshi No Ko, created by Aka Akasaka and illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari, was the inspiration for the movie. It appears like the anime adaptation will meet the high expectations of the manga fans based on the response to the first episode.

Episode 1 Overview

The first episode of Oshi no Ko opened with the introduction of Gorou, a physician and ardent admirer of Ai Hoshino, a well-known teenage idol. Gorou is initially given a funny portrayal since he is fanboying over his idol. A nurse refers to him as “Lollicon” because of the way he fanboys over Ai. However, things take a nasty turn when Gorou divulges that Ai was introduced to him by Sarina, a young girl he met a few years prior. Sarina admired Ai greatly and aspired to be just as famous as her. Her dream, however, was short-lived because she went away at the age of 12 from anaplastic astrocytoma.

However, as time passed, Gorou unexpectedly discovered himself growing fond of Sarina’s hero. He learned that his new patient was none other than Ai, who was 16 years old and 20 weeks along with her unborn child. While Ai’s desire to become pregnant and start a family that she had never had made his heart sink, he started to feel a sense of protectiveness towards her and her future family. Gorou spent all of his time helping Ai get ready for delivery. Gorou was pushed down a cliff on the night when Ai was scheduled to give birth, and as he passed away, he had thoughts of Ai and Sarina in his head. Ai gave birth to twins in the hospital, a boy with blue eyes and a girl with ruby eyes.

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Aqua and Ruby

The reincarnation of doctor Gorou and his patient Sarina has revealed to viewers as the first episode of Oshi no Ko proceeded. The memories of their previous life and their mental development were the same even though they were resurrected as infants. The twins’ names were Aqua and Ruby, and even though they were aware of their differences, they did everything they could to aid Ai. Opportunities continued to present themselves to Aqua and Ruby as they gradually began to grow up while hiding the fact that they were Ai’s manager’s kids.

Ai was at her pinnacle of achievement because of their combined efforts and her tireless work. All of this occurred prior to a devoted fan stabbing Ai at her door for lying to fans and for having the twins. The fan had personal information about Ai. Aqua saw the murder, which made everything worse. Ai remained faithful to her idol persona and forgave her killer, who fled the scene because he hadn’t anticipated that would be her response. Finally, Ai was able to tell her children, “I love you,” before passing away peacefully. After Ai passed away, the children’s babysitter and her manager took over as guardians, but there was something sinister about the situation.

Aqua recalled the enigmatic figure that had pursued Ai and killed him in a former existence. He realized they were the same person when he viewed a photo of Ai’s killer. What was unexpected, though, was that the stalker was an ordinary college student. As a result, he was unable to obtain Ai’s personal information, and after killing her, he also committed suicide. The police were unable to find anything, and over time, the news of the murder case also faded, but Aqua felt in his heart that something else was going on. He was also certain that their biological father, whose identity was unknown to everyone, was responsible. The episode finished with Aqua swearing to live to hunt down the person who killed his mother. Ruby and Aqua were then seen to be teens.

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