One Piece Chapter 1052: What Role Does Luffy Have For Yamato, Is She Going To Replace Zoro?

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By Aaryanshi Mohan | Jun 5, 2022 | 3 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

As emotionally exhausting as Chapter 1051 was, it has left a few unanswered questions that people are searching for. These questions are pressing and need to be addressed so that the story of two of the more important characters continues. It is time we address Yamato and Zoro. Recall, in chapter 1051, Yamato had expressed the will to join the Straw Hat’s crew and at the other end of the story, Zoro was heavily injured and was being treated. The chapter has mentioned nothing about Zoro, which has got the fans thinking whether Zoro is going to make it alive out of here or no. Let’s see if the next chapter answers these questions. One Piece Chapter 1052: What Role Does Luffy Have For Yamato, Is She Going To Replace Zoro?

One Piece Chapter 1052: What Role Does Luffy Have For Yamato, Is She Going To Replace Zoro?

In the final hours of Chapter 1051, we saw that Yamato is going to join the crew but fans have been wondering what role will the Starw Hats have for her. Everyone in the crew has a role and since Luffy wanted ten crew members eventually, there has to be something for her, right? Nami is the navigator, Chopper is the doctor and Sanji is the cook. Considering who she is, and what her past has been like, a befitting role is must. Some suggest that she could be an excellent journal keeper, while others suggest she could very well  be the next Oden, because that is what she had addressed herself as.

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What is her actual role going to be? While it can only be answered in One Piece Chapter 1052 or beyond, fans are leaning towards her actually being a journal keeper, so the role of a quartermaster should be perfect for her. The quartermaster is responsible for doing a number of things including keeping a tab on the loot and how it will be divided amongst the crew.

Yamato’s ideal role would be that of an experienced quartermaster, particularly keeping track of the Straw Hat’s adventures throughout the remainder of the story. The role not only serves a purpose for the Straw Hat crew, but it also concludes her arc perfectly.

One Piece Zoro: What Has Happened To Zoro, Is He Going To Die? 

After Zoro received a lot of injuries in his fight against King, he was bleeding profusely on the ground, and soon after parts of Onigashima islands also started falling after Big Mom was able to create an explosion in the armoury. What followed next? Before an extremely injured Zoro could fall to his death, he was saved by Franky. He is, since then, being treated by Chopper. 

Since there has been no information about his health fans have assumed he is on the verge on dying since he is heavily covered in bandage. Fans are predicting Yamato is going to replace him since they know he is dying. Redditors are saying “Right now I’d say Zoro (is more powerful) once he masters advanced conquerors will be the strongest besides Luffy. I don’t think he could currently hold off Kaidou as long as Yamato did. So I’d say Zoro and Yamato are the top two. Sanji doesn’t have conquerors and without a raid suit I would put him at 3. Jinbe is fourth but his tactical mind and battle experience could handle any opponent Zoro, Yamato, and Sanji could. By the time they reach the end Zoro will be the clear 2 and Sanji the clear 3 and will take on the second and third strongest fighters.”

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