Breaking down the tedious but necessary training for World of Warcraft's Race to First

Race to World First evolved into what it is today in Battle for Azeroth, becoming a competitive event where guilds compete to finish the new raid as quickly as possible.

In the first season of WoW Dragonflight, these Three classes controlled the Mythic+ meta, Credit: WOW ( Twitter)
By Shubham Dalal | May 12, 2023 | 4 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

There was no such thing as Race to World First back in the simpler times of World of Warcraft when all you had to worry about was how many boars you had to kill and how many miles you had to run to get to your next quest. Since guilds had humble beginnings, simply being present to witness the greatness of Kel’Thuzad or C’Thun was enough of a reward; loot was just an added bonus.

Race to World First evolved into what it is today in Battle for Azeroth, becoming a competitive event where guilds compete to finish the new raid as quickly as possible. If you need more information about Breaking down the tedious but necessary training for World of Warcraft’s Race to First, then read carefully, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Breaking down the tedious but necessary training for World of Warcraft’s Race to First:

Three guilds gained notoriety over time and remained the front-runners in every Race to World First: Liquid, Echo, and Method. Scott “Sco” McMillan founded Method at the start of World of Warcraft in 2005, elevating the game with its avant-garde methods and drive for advancement. In December 2010, Method made its Race to World First debut in the Cataclysm raid Blackwing Descent. Since then, the guild has taken part in almost all of the competitions.

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The method is currently buried in work related to the Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Race to World First, which gets underway on May 10. Additionally, there is a lot of preparation that goes into the race.

The grind never ends for Method and the other guilds that take part in Race to World First. Due to the fact that each guild member is required to maintain up to 10 characters, even as one race ends, another is already starting.

The preparation, however, gets more serious as Patch 10.1’s release date draws closer. Each guild member carefully reads the patch notes, theorizes with a pen and paper, and gathers the essential supplies for the raid. Kina works for Method as an officer. He is a healer who oversees and maintains nine characters. He must strike a balance between management and play, theory crafting, and explaining the new content to other players.

Repeating the same material during race preparation is “not fun,” Kina told Dot Esports. Officers Nate, Kina, and Danwarr will be running Mythic+ dungeons and the Vault of the Incarnates on undergeared characters in the weeks and days leading up to the race. The main focus of preparation is the character gearing up and making sure they have all the required enchants, sockets, and similar bonuses.

Boss fights are tested by Method on the PTR, but the testing period is only a few hours or so long on average. The majority of the planning is done with pens and paper, theory-building, and running recycled content to keep their sea of characters current. The Method players agree that this part of the race is their least favorite despite the fact that it is highly dynamic and you never know what you will wake up to each day. Kina and the other officers are busy with the overall planning while grinding.

Progress is carnage, chaos

The race on Method’s side is complete chaos from the moment it begins until the final boss is defeated because they frequently encounter unforeseen issues like Blizzard Entertainment balance changes and player disconnections. Kina declared, “Progress is a blur; it’s carnage.” “From the start, it’s chaotic. There is never a dull moment during the race because there is always something to do. Although it’s nice to take a break, I believe we have become dependent on the chaos.

However, there is planning and strategizing that must be done while the race is in progress. These include personal plans and strategies, a mid-race strategy that is being built upon based on your position in the race, incorporating analyst suggestions, and switching to alternative plans if necessary.

In Aberrus Race to World First, Method will once more compete against Echo and Liquid, who have won the last two races and claimed the World First title. A DPS in Method named Danwarr explained that these two guilds typically outperform Method due to their wealth of expertise, a potent analyst team, and the players’ own readiness and well-equipped ness. On the other hand, the method may have trouble fully comprehending and perfecting the encounter. Method’s ultimate goal is to at least make Echo and Liquid work hard for the win.

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