League Of Legends Patch 13.4 Preview : Riot Targeting Ranged Support Meta, Snowballing Junglers in Early

Riot Games teased upcoming League Of Legends Patch 13.4 in their many upcoming skins and changes in the game. Sena, Ahri, Vigo and Oriana.

League of legends: Legacy Skins in the game all information about it, Credit: League of Legend
By Shubham Dalal | Feb 14, 2023 | 3 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

Riot Games teased the upcoming patch 13.4 in their many upcoming skins and changes in the game. Sena, Ahri, Vigo and Oriana will be buffed, while Amumu will get her second nerf in a row. The developers will also reduce the experience gained from kills. Matt “frxzone” Leung-Harrison revealed these changes on Twitter. He explained that patch 13.4 will be dedicated to balancing ranged versus melee support in the bot lane. In addition, they will be optimizing wilderness paths by “addressing early snowballing and leveling up some of the healing”. If you want more information about League Patch 13.4 Preview : Riot Targeting Ranged Support Meta, Snowballing Junglers in Early then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

League Of Legends Patch 13.4 Preview : Riot Targeting Ranged Support Meta, Snowballing Junglers in Early

Maokai, Elise, Amumu, Udyr, and Jarvan IV are all on the table to be nafed in League’s next patch. The only other champion to see a balance change in this patch will be Vigo, who is set to be buffed. In addition to the five junglers receiving Nerfs, the other four champions on the chopping block are Samira, Jax, Anivia, and Azir. In addition to champion changes, there will be major system changes to support items and experience gained from kills.

Also read Riot looks to balance bot lane role and Melee supports to get helping hand in League of Legends Patch 13.4

There are no direct buffs or nerfs scheduled for Aurelian Soul in patch 13.4, which has been tearing up the solo queue scene since leaving its work on the live servers several days ago. In one patch, Star Forger has seen its play-rate jump from less than one percent to 16 percent in high-Ello games after being reworked. However, before making any serious changes, Riot is waiting to see how Champion affects pro play.Another set of champions — especially in the support position — are likely going to feel that indirect power reduction when nerfs to items like Spellthief’s Edge and Spectral Sickle also hit in patch 13.4. Those nerfs are likely to be targeted at the ADC-as-Support meta that has been popping up in pro games in recent weeks.

Given that the numbers are not out yet, it is still too early to make any tentative judgments. Having said that, it’s pretty certain that ranged support is most likely going to be tagged due to the recharge time nerf. On top of that, champions will gain less experience from early kills, making Snowball slightly less effective than it is now. However, apart from these two considerations, there is not much to consider.

Patch 13.4 will come out on February 23rd. Spyderax has already revealed the featured support item changes; You can read the details here. There’s reason to believe that the next champion, Milio, will arrive on the next update after that as he was previously teased on PBE.Perhaps the biggest system nerf is coming to the experience for League players from kills. While no specific numbers have yet been made public, Riot intends to reduce the overall XP gained from kills, as well as the amount of “comeback experience” champions gain from kills when they are behind in the game.

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