In LOL Patch 13.15, The Dueling Brothers are the featured upcoming buffs

Riot Phroxzon, teased players with a look at the Patch 13.15 preview today, withholding more information until these changes are made public on the PBE the following day, on August 2, before the patch is formally released.

In LOL Patch 13.15, The Dueling Brothers are the featured upcoming buffs, Credit: RiftFeed
By Shubham Dalal | Jul 25, 2023 | 3 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

Riot Games is intervening for yet another round of adjustments to go along with League of Legends Patch 13.15, including a number of buffs to champions that many players already find quite difficult to play against. Lead designer for the League’s balance team, Riot Phroxzon, teased players with a look at the Patch 13.15 preview today, withholding more information until these changes are made public on the PBE the following day, on August 2, before the patch is formally released.

Even though this section only contains a small number of champions, the particular face it contains is startling: They are all widely regarded as meta or somewhat meta picks in addition to being quite powerful already. If you need more information about In LOL Patch 13.15, The Dueling Brothers are the featured upcoming buffs, then read carefully, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Yasuo and Yone, the notorious wind brothers, are among the champions receiving some assistance. These mid-lane champions are both mobile swordfighters, but their skills are quite different from one another. They only have one thing in common: they both prefer to be in the face of many enemies at once in order to succeed.

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The two brothers, however, haven’t really appreciated the recent item revamp because their go-to Mythic item, Infinity Edge, no longer grants them the bonuses to their crit damage that it once did. Yasuo and Yone both have similar stats, so if these buffs were specifically aimed at that, they would probably experience the same changes.

To revive her presence as a potent tank-buster and late-game threat, Gwen is listed as the only top laner receiving buffs just in time for her major appearance in the Soul Fighter event. In the meantime, Taliyah will probably get mid-lane-focused buffs to boost her pitiful pick rate—which is 1.74 percent, according to League stats website OP.GG—and make her a more significant pick in a meta that favors mobility.

The bot lane improvements in this patch go to Caitlyn and Nami, another pair of champions who have their advantages but who are undoubtedly outclassed by others. It’s not clear how exactly these two will be boosted, but it’s likely that their strengths will be emphasized more, which could cause more balancing problems because Caitlyn and Nami are frequently paired with Milio and Lucian, respectively.

A section for system changes, which frequently simultaneously includes both buffs and nerfs directed at particular champions, was also included by Phroxzon in the Patch 13.15 preview. He declared that the Smite interaction with a summons and pets would be altered, which would affect the durability of Annie’s Tibbers, Yorick’s Maiden of the Mist, and Hermerdinger’s turrets. Rell makes another appearance in this adjustment section, signaling yet another round of changes affecting the support/jungler who just underwent a significant midscope update.

When the League Patch 13.15 is pushed to the PBE tomorrow, it is anticipated that all of the changes, including the numerous nerfs to both potent and specialized champions, will be fully revealed. They will go live on the servers on August 2, but depending on how the testing goes, they might be changed earlier.

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