Credits- r/FixingHelldivers2
How to Fix Friend Requests Not Working in Helldivers 2?

Are you facing trouble while playing Helldivers 2 with your friends? Many players are facing issues when they send friend requests. This is making it hard to team up and battle together. In this article, we will help you fix this problem. We will tell you simple solutions that anyone can try, like resending friend requests or toggling crossplay off and on. We will also give you tips on changing your Steam name and restarting the game if needed. With these easy steps, you will be back to enjoying game with your friends in no time!

How to fix this Issue in Helldivers 2?

Many players using crossplay are facing a common issue with friend requests. When trying to connect with friends on different platforms, sending or receiving requests can be difficult. This glitch seems to affect crossplay users more often. If you’re having trouble to add friends from other platforms that you are not alone.

Here are some steps that you can try:

  1. Toggle Crossplay Off and On: If you are having trouble with crossplay friend requests. So, turn off crossplay for a little time. Then turn it back on. Wait a little before turning it on again, and then try sending the request once more. This simple trick could solve the problem.
  1. Resend Friend Requests: If your first try doesn’t work, cancel the request and try sending it again. Sometimes, just sending it again can fix the problem.
  1. Edit Your Steam Name: PC players can experiment with changing their Steam name. Without any special characters, and attempt to send the request once more.
  1. Restart the Game: Sometimes, a quick restart can work effectively. Close the entire game, along with any background applications. Then relaunch the game and retry sending friend requests.

If none of these fixes work, best thing is to wait for the developers to fix the problem. Check on their updates through their communication channels for news about patches and fixes.

Dealing with these problems can be annoying, but gamers and developers usually work together to fix them quickly. With these tips, you will be back to playing with your friends again.

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