One Punch Man Chapter 182: Tatsumaki's Dark Past Revealed

In the Starting of this Chapter, Saitama crashes into a hospital where Forte is being treated after a car accident. Confused by the sudden intrusion, Forte questions Saitama’s presence, but the hero nonchalantly inquiries about the state of his injuries before continuing on his way to face Tatsumaki. Meanwhile, Tatsumaki finds herself struggling to keep up with the intensity of the fight, panting and sweating as she realizes that she had underestimated just how much energy she would need to expend. As she reflects on her miscalculations, she laments that she was supposed to be the one testing Saitama, but now finds herself pushed to her limits.

Lessons in Strength and Friendship: Tatsumaki’s Transformation

It seems that Tatsumaki has been enjoying her fight with Saitama, as she hasn’t met anyone before who she could spar with without actually hurting or killing them. However, in the latest chapter, it becomes clear that she is the one straining to keep going. Despite having fun, Tatsumaki knows that she has to end the fight now as she is getting way too exhausted.

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To finish the fight, Tatsumaki creates two waves of ground and crashes them in on Saitama at the same time. Saitama starts to notice how exhausted Tatsumaki is, but she is still not giving up. She even tries to lift him with enough force to send him into outer space, but Saitama is too strong, and she can barely lift him off the ground.

During the fight, Saitama makes an interesting observation about Tatsumaki’s view of human relationships. He tells her that she views them too lightly and that she is being stopped right now by the power of Fubuki’s acquaintance. It seems that Saitama understands the importance of relationships and connections with others, something that Tatsumaki may have overlooked in her pursuit of strength and power.

Tatsumaki is a powerful psychic hero who is known for her incredible abilities. However, she hasn’t always been as strong as she is now. In a flashback, we see her after Blast saves her from a research facility. She is still recovering from her ordeal when she sets out to find her sister, Fubuki. Fubuki is just a baby at this point, and Tatsumaki is determined to protect her.

Tatsumaki eventually locates the house where Fubuki is being held, but her reunion with her sister is interrupted by the appearance of four members of Tsukiyomi. These individuals look strikingly similar to Apollo, the Tsukiyomi member that we were introduced to a few chapters back.

Tatsumaki is not one to back down from a fight, even when she is exhausted. She prepares to defend herself and her sister against the Tsukiyomi members, but it remains to be seen whether she will emerge victorious.

She straight-up murders all four of these people, or at least badly hurts them, as she takes care of them off-screen. We see her extend a bloody hand to Fubuki, as if to say, ‘Alright, it’s okay now, we can go.’ There’s blood all over the floor, and it’s actually at this point that Fubuki’s powers awaken because she’s so scared of Tatsumaki that she wants her to stay away from her. This burst of emotion triggers Fubuki’s psychic abilities. Tatsumaki starts reflecting on her actions and says, ‘That was the awakening of Fubuki’s powers. I was the one who dragged Fubuki to a harsh fate. I have the responsibility to protect Fubuki without relying on anyone else.

She starts yelling for Blast and says, ‘Blast, I’ve tried really hard, but nothing works out. I don’t want everyone to be afraid of me, but unless they are, things are just gonna be like before.’ This is her admitting that she puts on a tough facade and tries to distance herself from people as the most powerful person in the world. She does this so that she doesn’t get hurt again, like she did when she was a little kid being forced to go through experiments in a research facility. She was defenseless and had no way of having her own life. I feel for her; she had a tough childhood.”

To end off this flashback, Tatsumaki starts getting blinded by the glimmer of Blast’s greatness, but it cuts back into her waking up to the sun reflecting off of Saitama’s head. She has a derp face on, and he asks if she’s okay. Saitama doesn’t know what kind of psychic training psychics do to strengthen themselves or their abilities, but he thinks that she must be training really hard because she seems pretty strong. He says that he’s very impressed, and Tatsumaki kind of gets a glimmer in her eye. But, of course, being Tatsumaki, she says, “I don’t need you to tell me that.” Saitama responds by saying, “Alright, if you can talk back to me like that, then you’re probably fine.” He says he’ll just leave her with what he came to tell her in the first place. He says, “Esper or whatever, you can live your life as you like, but if you want to rampage, don’t break other people’s stuff.” This brings everything full circle, as initially, he wanted to talk to her because she destroyed his house. It’s pretty ironic that the whole battle they had led to a ton of collateral damage like what he was complaining about. We get even more wholesome here as we go on with the chapter because he straight up puts his hand on her head and says, “I think you’d be a great hero if you abide by that.” This panel here of Tatsumaki looking up at him seemingly with admiration is heartwarming.

In this sequence, Fubuki confronts Tatsumaki after disbanding the Fubuki group and announces that she will fight alone. However, Tatsumaki questions her decision as the Fubuki group chases after her, begging to be taken back. Fubuki decides to confront them herself, telling them they cannot handle Tatsumaki’s power, and they need to be satisfied with what they can do. Saitama observes the situation and advises Tatsumaki to let them do what they want. Tatsumaki dismisses his advice, but Saitama responds with inspiring words, saying that even he couldn’t be a wolf level before muscle training, and no one knows their true limit.

In this moment, Saitama’s words ignite a fire in Tatsumaki, and she becomes determined to make the Fubuki Group stronger. She warns them that if anything happens to Fubuki, she will get rid of them for good. The test is over for now, but Tatsumaki warns Saitama that she may give him another surprise test in the future. The chapter ends with a sense of determination and a hint of possible future challenges.

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