Credits- r/ChainsawMan
New “Guillotine Devil” Apperance in Chainsaw Man

The Guillotine Devil is a new character introduced to readers in the most current Chainsaw Man chapter. This mysterious addition shows up during Fami and Asa’s courageous escape mission. At first look, the Guillotine Devil draws notice with its unusual form and abilities. Its powers reveal themselves as Fami uses it against armed guards, though with some unexpected side effects. Still, there are unanswered questions regarding its origins and strength. The story developments that follow are established in this introduction. In this article, we will discuss more about the Guillotine Devil in the Chainsaw Man.

The Guillotine Devil’s First Look

As the chapter opens, Fami and Asa are up against a powerful enemy in the shape of heavily armed guards. Fami takes a risky move by calling the Guillotine Devil to help them escape. The strange looking thing, which like a cross between a guillotine and a pigeon, kills enemies with super speed.

Even while the Guillotine Devil shows strength at first, Fami told that there are restrictions placed on it, a kind of contract that prevents it from reaching its full potential. The readers are curious to know about Fami’s genuine motives as a result of this reveal, which gives her character further depth.

Guillotine Devil Potential

The Guillotine Devil’s origin story is yet unknown, but its introduction shows that Chainsaw Man’s story will take turn on another level. As the series continue, readers want to more about Fami’s motivations and her abilities.

Fans speculate about the Guillotine Devil’s power. some believe it’s because of how society has come to see guillotines over time. even though, the animal has incredible strength, slicing through objects in easy way.

The Chainsaw Man’s upcoming character arcs have been laid out in Chapter 158. Readers are waiting for the next chapter twists as Fami and Asa battle Public Safety and other enemies.

The Chainsaw Man universe’s upcoming conflicts and character arcs have been laid out in Chapter 158. Readers want to know plot’s next twists and turns as Fami and Asa battle Public Safety and other enemies.

The Guillotine Devil is first introduced in Chainsaw Man chapter 158. This is a significant plot point that offers new glimpses of powerful devil that Tatsuki Fujimoto has built.

Read More: Chainsaw Man Chapter 159 Release Date

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