credit: Mojang
Minecraft Frog: New frog mobs abilities coming to Minecraft

Mojang revealed some new abilities of the frog mobs as part of the experimental features in Minecraft Bedrock version 1.18.10. They are now capable of eating small Slimes and small Magma Cubes. The company shared that frogs in the game had a brie period as apex predators capable of swallowing entire goats.

Players noticed this frog behavior in the beta version of the game for Windows in January. Their hunger was insatiable, as some players noticed. The company showed off more upcoming amphibians during Minecraft Live. One player asked if frogs are able to eat axolotls. Well, no, but Mojang’s Alexander Östman explained the former goat-gobbling frog bug.

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“I was developing the frogs and I was going to add this ‘eat mob’ behavior. As I was testing it, I thought I could test it together with the goat,” Östman says. “I temporarily added that frogs could eat the goats, which I suppose is very, very silly. What happened was, I forgot to remove that part of the code when putting it into the beta, so for the first beta the frogs were actually eating goats. The first time I saw a player posting a video of this I literally fell off my chair laughing because it was so funny.”

One of the company’s community managers took things a notch further and leashed many goats to a fencepost for one amphibious frog to swallow them one after another. Östman also shared another goofy bug where frogs get stuck slapping themselves in the face with slimes attached to their tongues, rather than swallowing them.

Neither goat swallowing nor frog face pong will likely make it to the final release of the 1.19 Wild update, of course. Players can help hunt for other such bugs by turning on the Wild Update experimental features in the game for Windows.

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