credit: Rocket League
How to speed flip in Rocket League: Here are the details

Rocket League is one of the most enjoyed games played across the globe and we have brought the details that will help you perform a speed flip in this car football game. Developers Psyonix created the series back in 2015, and it has become very successful that it has managed to continue performing well for almost six years.

With new seasons, as well as new content, being released frequently with major collaborations, we cannot see it losing its popularity anytime soon. Players are always on the lookout for new ways to improve their gaming skills in the game, and speed flipping will definitely give players an edge over their competition in Rocket League.

What is a Speed Flip?

Players who play Rocket League know that flipping is crucial in the game to get their car moving quickly, and Speed Flipping is the swiftest way to perform this move. It causes the car to somersault whilst moving rapidly mid-air.

How do you Speed Flip?

  • Speed Flipping is easy once players get the hang of it, and it take some time to perfect it. Players need to follow these steps:
  • Perform a single jump by pressing X on PS and A on Xbox
  • Then secondary jump with the left stick pointing Up-left to start a diagonal left Front Flip
  • Now, immediately cancel the flip animation with the left stick pointing down-left and also holding Air Roll
  • Continue to hold down-left on the left stick whilst holding Air Roll.

ALSO READ: Rocket League Mobile: Mobile version of the game available globally

When to use a Speed Flip?

What is great about doing this trick is that it lets players get to the ball with a flip and they will be able to hold their car nose forward the whole time.

A normal flip doesn’t let players keep their noses forward throughout the game. Being able to keep their nose forward all the time will help them to be more accurate when they are shooting or passing in the game. It also gives them a huge speed boost.

If players struggle to perfect the speed flip, they should practice it in friendly games or in the arena, instead of diving straight into ranked play. It shouldn’t take them long to perfect at all.

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