How to Resolve Issues with VALORANT Not Updating?

VALORANT updates are important, but sometimes they don’t happen smoothly. We will explain why this might be and what you can do about it. From outdated drivers to internet problems. You will learn simple steps to fix the issue, like restarting the game or removing Vanguard. Even show you how to deal with antivirus software that might be causing the problem. Also, we will talk about checking your disk space to make sure there is enough room for updates. Stay tuned for easy solutions.

Why is VALORANT Not Updating? Understanding the Causes

Updating VALORANT smoothly can be difficult because of many reasons:

  • Outdated Windows and Graphics Drivers
  • Internet Connectivity Problems
  • Firewall Restrictions
  • Issues with Riot Vanguard
  • Unspecified Bugs

How to Fix not Updating VALORANT

When you have trouble updating VALORANT you can try these strategies it is help to fix the problem:

1. Restart VALORANT and Riot Client

If VALORANT gets stuck during updates or doesn’t move past zero percent try restarting both the game and Riot Client first. But if that doesn’t work you can try these other methods:

2. Remove Vanguard

At times, the root cause of update failures lies within Riot’s anti-cheat software Vanguard. To address this:

Close Vanguard: Find the Vanguard icon in the bottom right corner of your screen. Right-click on it, then choose “Exit.”

Access Command Prompt: Look for “Command Prompt” using the search bar in Windows. Right-click on it, then pick “Run as administrator.”

Delete Vanguard Services: Type these commands into the Command Prompt window, pressing Enter after each one: “sc delete vgc” and “sc delete vgk.”

Restart Your Computer: Complete the process by rebooting your system.

Clean Up Remaining Files: After restarting, once again close Vanguard from the system tray. Navigate to This PC > C: Drive > Program Files > Riot Vanguard and delete the entire “Riot Vanguard” folder.

Launch VALORANT: This action should trigger a fresh Vanguard installation. Following this, restart your PC once more. Subsequently, VALORANT should open successfully with the latest update.

3. Disable Antivirus or Add Exception for VALORANT

Sometimes antivirus software can cause issues with VALORANT updates. To fix this:

Temporarily Disable Antivirus: If you think your antivirus might be the problem, try turning it off for a bit before updating VALORANT.

Add Exception for VALORANT: You can also tell your antivirus to ignore VALORANT and its files. This makes sure the antivirus doesn’t interfere with the game or its updates.

4. Ensure You have Enough Space on your Computer

If you don’t have enough space on your computer where VALORANT is installed it can make updates difficult. Check how much space you have. If it’s less than 10 GB so try deleting things you don’t need, like old programs or files. Or, you can move VALORANT to a different drive with more space, so updates can happen smoothly.

If you do these steps you can fix problems that stop VALORANT from updating. This means you can keep playing without any interruptions and get all the new stuff they add.

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