Inspecting weapons in Modern Warfare 2
How to Inspect Weapons in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2), the sequel to Modern Warfare 2019 and the 19th addition to the Call of Duty (CoD) series, was released on 28 October. The game brought impressive graphics, improved combat mechanism, new game modes, and new maps for the players to enjoy. Like any other FPS game, Modern Warfare 2 also allows the players to show their shining personality in the game by customizing guns with skins, stickers and weapon charms.To get a closer look at the decals and customization in game, players will need to inspect their weapons. This article will describe in detail how to inspect weapons in Modern Warfare 2.

Inspecting weapons in Modern Warfare 2 :

The weapon inspection in the game is a simple mechanic that allows players to get a closer look at their favorite blueprints and weapon cosmetics.If you want to admire the beauty of your weapon in the middle of a kill, all you have to do is inspect your weapon and flex it on your enemies and show off your loadout. To be honest, we didn’t have to go through the trouble of keeping these beautiful cams to ourselves.

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Here’s how you inspect weapons in Modern Warfare 2:

Taking a closer look at your weapon isn’t really difficult in the game and is simple and straightforward.

  • For PlayStation and Xbox players: If you play Modern Warfare using your controller on your PlayStation or your Xbox, you can only inspect your weapon by holding down on the left on the D-Pad.
  • Mouse and Keyboard players:Mouse and keyboard players simply need to press the “I” key to take on the in-game beauty of their weapons.

If you’re not comfortable with these default keys, you can go to the in-game settings and swap the “Inspection” option to a different keybind to your liking.When you trigger weapon inspection by using “I” or holding left on the D-pad, your character will raise the weapon and allow you to see the gun’s body, magazine, and camo. If you want to see an efficient camo like Gold’s, you might want to inspect your weapon in better light.

However, beware of enemies when you choose to inspect the weapon outside. Your character will take his time getting the gun back down and ready to fire, and this could prove unfortunate if you encounter an enemy on the battlefield.

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