Credits- MW3
How to Fix the 'Fullscreen Exclusive is not Supported' in MW3?

Are you a fan of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on your computer and sometimes face a problem with your game not going into fullscreen mode? So, this article is here to help you. We will talk about how to fix this issue step by step. It is important to know what causes this problem and how you can solve it. You can play games without any interruptions if you only follow these easy guidelines. Let’s analyze how to play MW3 as efficiently as possible.

Understand the Fullscreen Exclusive Error

It can be annoying when Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 displays the message “Fullscreen is not supported because your operating system gives priority to another window”. It stops players from changing their resolution settings and forces them to play in windowed mode. But playing in fullscreen mode can actually make the game run better with smoother gameplay and faster frame rates.

How to Resolve the Fullscreen Exclusive Error?

Follow these methods to fix the Fullscreen Exclusive problem in MW3:

1. Disable Overlay Applications

Sometimes other programs like Discord or Overwolf running in the background can cause this error in MW3. These apps have features that show up on top of MW3, so it can’t go fullscreen. Go to Task Manager and close any apps that may be displaying these features in order to resolve this. Next, attempt to launch MW3 in fullscreen mode once more.

2. Adjust Overlay Settings

If you can’t close the overlay apps, you can try turning off their overlay features instead. In apps like Discord and Overwolf, there is an option to do this. Turning off these overlays will let MW3 go fullscreen without any problems. Then, you can enjoy playing MW3 in the best display mode.

The Fullscreen Exclusive error in MW3 can be annoying but trying out the solutions mentioned can help you get back to playing smoothly. You may play the game without any troubles by checking that MW3 is given priority for fullscreen mode and resolving any issues with overlay programs. You can play MW3 again with passion and pleasure if you follow these guidelines.

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