How To Escape Warzone 2.0’s DMZ

DMZ Warzone 2.0 features a create new mode in the warzone2 game and is that takes inspirited by extraction-style games like Escape From Tarkov in this mode. The goal is to land in Al Majra, loot and stock up on items, and then exit that’s why all are excited . The stakes are high – you only have one life, and if you die, you lose everything you earned in that match.Exfiltration is the final endpoint for all players. The all weapons and other valuable items in this mode you have to find go into your storage, which you can bring to your next match to gain a better advantage. Here’s everything you need to know about how to escape the DMZ.

Warzone 2.0 DMZ: Exfiltration and How to escape explained :

You can enter the DMZ if you are solo player, and also if you have pair, or if you have a team of three. There are two ways to extract from the battlefield – the most direct way is to reach one of the designated extraction points on the map. These all are marked by a blue exit symbol in game and that is man running towards the door. There are several exfiltration points at any one time only,so you can choose the one closest to your location easily in this mode.

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If you want a helicopter then you can call in a helicopter at the exfiltration point in location . After few minute, the helicopter will approach you,and starting a 30-second countdown timer for you. The helicopter will take off when the timer runs out from landing space, regardless of whether you managed to get on board or not in helicopter .However, once you manually activate an extraction point, it will be marked on the Tac map for all other squads. They’ll be keeping an eye on the loot you want to extract, especially the new M13B assault rifle which can currently only be obtained by defeating the Chemist.

At the same time,all AI fighters will swarm the area to block your escape in mode. If you survive the attack, you can board the helicopter and leave. There are a limited number of extraction points in a match. Once all have been used, a final site will be marked. Competition is expected to be fierce on this final spot, as players battle to be the last chopper out.Exfil points are also randomized, so you’ll need to think on your feet as your path will vary with each match.

How to exfil using the Hostage Rescue contract in mode :

Alternatively, all mortgage rescue contracts in mode provide the ability to bail out after successfully delivering hostages in safe location . You can activate the contract by looking for the light green radio in location with the handcuffs symbol on your tack map you then you can escape easily .You will be tasked with rescuing a hostage inside a locked building and deactivating an explosive collar around the hostage’s neck within a time limit. Once you rescue the hostage, you will have to physically transport them to the helicopter. This helicopter is make your plan easy for escape in DMZ.

It pays to save the mortgage rescue contract to last game Dmz mode. This enables a safer location, more reliable withdrawal, allowing you to escape with your precious loot in safe location.

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