credit: Rockstar
GTA Online Cayo Perico: Players find uncaged black panther in the game

GTA Online’s Cayo Perico heist might be scaring players off. That’s due to an incident involving a dangerous black panther. The heist is a popular one in the game ever since it came out in 2020, and players just can’t get over it, thanks to its exciting aspects. Moreover, the Cayo Perico heist is one of the best ways to earn money.

All this comes together to encourage players to take on El Rubio and snatch all his blood money whenever they are low on cash. While players must think all the players have the heist memorized, even veteran players are getting shocked by coming across an exotic animal.

GTA Online players scared of Cayo Perico’s black panther

The black panther that appears in the Cayo Perico heist is a creature that players can interact with. Besides, the panther’s statue is among the most valuable items in the entire loot pool.

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It’s basically a primary objective for a majority of looters who take on the challenge to complete the heist which will bring them a lot of money if they manage to make an escape. While getting out alive might sound easy for seasoned players, it’s pretty hard for players who get scared to death by the exotic animal.

This feature has been in GTA Online for quite some time, but it’s pretty rare for players to encounter the beast as it doesn’t spawn in a static location every single time. Players should note that interactions with beast only happen after players get caught and the panther is out of the cage, so people hoping to get a look of the beast will have to spend more time looking for it after the alarm has been sounded.

GTA Online cars acting strange

Previously, GTA Online’s Advanced Handling Flags were on people’s crosshairs, as many were convinced that in-game car gearboxes are breaking down.

Rockstar pushed the Advanced Handling Flags with the Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series update in 2018. The changes weren’t applied to older vehicles, which means only newer vehicles in the game were affected.

Players were not very impressed with the update. Several of the newer vehicles ran into engine troubles. The cars also had issues with the bouncy suspension after a few days of the update, making driving some of the vehicles really frustrating.

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