Genshin Impact Yun-Jin Build Guide; Check Abilities, Artifacts, and more 

New characters have always amazed us in Genshin Impact. And the Genshin Impact 2.4 upgrade was no exception. Shenhe, a new 5-star character, and Yun Jin, a new 4-star character, were added to the game. Genshin Impact Yun-jin is a fantastic Geo Support character who wields the Polearm. This Yun-Jin build guide will include the finest artefacts, weapons, teams, and more for Yun-Jin.

Genshin Impact Yun-Jin Build Guide; Check Abilities, Artifacts, and more 

Genshin Impact 2.4: Yun-Jin Build Guide

Yun-jin is a brand-new character who debuted in Shenhe’s Banner. She is a 4-star Geo Polearm user that provides excellent support to all of the characters in her team. Let’s have a peek at some of her skills.

  • Normal Attack: Her normal attack is not so different than other polearm characters. She performs up to 6 consecutive hits. And in her charged attack she plunges forward dealing dmg to the enemies.
  • Elemental Skill: Opening Flourish: Her elemental skill is similar to that of Beidou’s. On tap, she deals Geo DMG to the enemies and when to hold, the damage increases based on the time of the hold. The longer it is the better.
  • Elemental Burst: Cliffbreaker’s banner: This is the most important talent of Yun-Jin. She gives a flat attack buff to the teams based on her defense. This skill can be very useful if used correctly. This buff lasts for 12 seconds with a 15-second cooldown. The trigger quota of this skill is 30.

Also Read: Genshin Impact release date: Banner leaks and 2.5 release date

Genshin Impact 2.4: Yun-Jin Best Artifacts

Yun-best jin’s artefacts are divided into three categories. The Husk of Opulent Dreams, Archaic Petra, and Severed Fate are their names. All of these artefacts have the potential to be very effective on her. My personal favourite is the Archaic Petra, because the 4-set bonus offers you a massive elemental DMG bonus if you use it right.

In terms of artefact stats, you should concentrate on defence and energy recharging. She’s a supporting character who doesn’t require a lot of Crit DMG or Crit Rate. Giving her Defense as the primary stat on all three of her artefacts will help her get the DMG buff.

Genshin Impact 2.4: Yun-Jin Best Weapons

Favonius Lance: This is the best weapon for Yun-jin as she is a character who wants a lot of Energy recharge. This weapon will give you a lot of ER that will be very helpful. Moreover, you’ll only need to focus on defense on your artifacts if you use this weapon.

There are numerous different weapon options available to her. All of ER’s weaponry would be fantastic on her. On her, weapons like as the Catch and Skyward Spine, as well as Engulfing Lightning, would be very useful. Because she is a supporting character and her Base DMG is unimportant, you don’t need to worry about it.

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Genshin Impact 2.4: Yun-Jin Best Team Comp

  • Yoimiya: Yoimiya is the best character to partner up with Yun-Jin as most of her DMG comes from her Normal afk. She can be the main DPS character of the team and Yun-Jin will work quite well to buff her ATK.
  • Bennet: The best support character ever. Bennet can also help you increase your Yoimiya’s DMG and he can also act as a healer for your team. Bennet is just so broken that you can use him in almost every team.
  • Zhongli: He is the best Shield support character in Genshin impact and Yoimiya does need shield support. Having Zhongli in your team will also trigger the Geo resonance that is not bad to have.

This was, however, her favourite team competition. I hope you found my Yun-jin construction guide useful. Don’t worry if you don’t have these characters because she’s a character that can work nicely with a variety of others. Check out this video for a more in-depth look at the topic. Nonetheless, keep connected with us for additional information on Genshin Impact and future updates. Also, have a look at some of our other character creation guides.

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