credit: Supercell
Clash of Clans battle strategy: What is Crackling ArDrags attack strategy?

Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game where players are required to use a range of offensive strategies to take down their opponents. Players have the option of using their own strategies or depending on strategies created by more seasoned players such as GoHo, DrVaWiPe, and others.

Crackling ArDrags is a popular strategy in Clash of Clans, and it’s a highly effective loot and trophy pushing attack strategy for TH 7 and 8. Changes to the army should be made accordingly to the league and Town Hall, but the fundamental army troops should remain the same.

How to use Crackling ArDrags attack strategy?

It is a Town Hall 8 loot and trophy push attack strategy that can be effective in several ways in multiplayer battles. Dragons, Lightning spells, and Archers are used for this strategy, which can guarantee at least two starts if performed properly. Players with TH 8 dragons and those who wish to push for trophies, use this effective attacking strategy.

TH 8 ArDrag attack strategy army composition:

  • 9 Dragons
  • 20 Archers
  • 6 Lightning spells
  • 1 Rage spell
  • Dragon (Clan castle)
  • Barbarian King

Players should make changes to the army composition as per Air Defense and Clan Castle location.

Also Read: Clash Of Clans battle machine: Everything you should know

How to execute ArDrags Strategy?

Step 1: Players need to cast lightning spells against air defenses or air sweepers in the area. Provided everything is in the proper place, there should only be one of each left.

Step 2: Then they should deploy 3 Dragons on the backside of the base and drop 6 more Dragons on the other side of the final Air Defense.

Step 3: Casting a Rage Spell will help the dragons. Players should also use Archers to clear a few outside buildings like collectors and barracks.

Step 4: Players will also have to use the Barbarian King to attack defenses like Archer Tower, enabling Dragons to attack the remaining base.

Step 5: By practicing this attacking strategy regularly, TH 8 players can loot bases in multiplayer matches with ease.

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