Credits- r/CODWarzone
Call of Duty: Warzone Update Hits Renetti with Major Nerf

The Renetti gun in Call of Duty: Warzone is a hot topic undergoing Major changes after it was found to be extremely powerful. However the developers have recently adjusted it to make it less powerful after listening to player feedback. This changes will have an impact on how the rifle functions. This article discusses what’s happening with the Renetti and what options you have, there are still fine firearms to use.

Call of Duty: Warzone Update and Respond to Community

The Call of Duty developers revealed that the Renetti would soon be nerfed in response to several complaints from the Warzone players. The JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit had gamers riled up even though the standard Renetti handgun is still a useful tool. With this kit users may attach standard attachments and effectively convert the Renetti into a short-barreled SMG. 

Claims of overpowering imbalance came as it became clear that the fully-equipped JAK Ferocity Renetti was winning close encounters battles while other well-liked SMGs were being nerfed and the Renetti was given bonuses.

Patch Notes: Call of Duty: Warzone April 10 Update


JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit

  • Max Damage: decreased to 28 from 36
  • Min Damage: decreased to 24 from 28
  • Max Damage Range: decreased to 12.44 meters from 17.52
  • Lower Torso Multiplier: increased to 1.1x from 1
  • Arms and Hand Multiplier: increased to 1.1x from 1

All Nerfed Guns Details

Renetti JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit has gone through major changes with the most recent version which was released on April 10. A drop in the maximum damage range and a reduction in the minimum and maximum damage are significant changes. 

That means to say the maximum damage decreases from 36 to 28 and the maximum damage range goes from 17.52 to 12.44 metres. The purpose of these changes is to bring the weapon back into balance especially in situations where the fight goes into close encounters.

There are plenty of options available for Warzone players looking for replacements to the Renetti after the nerf. A lot of focus has been paid to weapons from Call of Duty’s armoury such as the HRM-9 and Striker 9. 

Also the FJX Horus SMG is a new addition to the Season 3 update that is still worth checking out even though it may not have as much strength as some of the more well-known options.

Upcoming Updates and More

Warzone fans should expect more updates in addition to the Renetti nerf, ground vehicles were added to Rebirth Island on April 9th along with bug fixes and small changes. With Season 3 Reloaded scheduled for release in early May this is expected to be the next big update. 

The upcoming update for Call of Duty is expected to bring back Weapon Trade Stations, the Specialist Perk Package and the brand-new killstreak Foresight. Call of Duty leaks suggest at possible changes to the arsenal such as the SPAS-12 shotgun and the Kar98k sniper rifle. Details are still unknown but it’s possible that these old weaponry may be the focus of next battle passes increasing gameplay diversity.

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