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Baldur's Gate 3 X Vampire Survivors Collaboration Announcement Revealed

The director of Baldur’s Gate 3 Swen Vincke made an announcement that the two well-liked fantasy games Vampire Survivors and Baldur’s Gate 3 would be collaborating soon. While Vampire Survivors is a smaller game that shocked a lot of people with its success Baldur’s Gate 3 is a larger game that took home many awards last year. When Vincke asked followers on Twitter if they wanted the games to collaborate with him the response was strongly in favour. This might provide gamers new experiences and give both games new vitality.

Baldur’s Gate 3 X Vampire Survivors: Collaboration Announced by Game’s Directors

This possible crossover could benefit both Vampire Survivors and Baldur’s Gate 3. Though Baldur’s Gate 3 has continued to draw large crowds over 90,000 players at once on Steam in recent months it’s noteworthy that this number has decreased slightly for the first time since the game’s release. In the meantime after hitting 10,000 average active players the number of players in Vampire Survivors has remained stable since April 2023.

Fans excitement reached an extreme level when the poll received over 18,000 votes with an amazing 51.1% selecting the passionate “F— yes.” With the release of a mysterious photo of himself with Vampire Survivors creator Luca Galante Vincke created more doubts. Several fans expressed their excitement to see their favourite characters from Baldur’s Gate 3 in the Vampire Survivors universe after the post created a fan frenzy.

Baldur’s Gate 3 and Vampire Survivors have each created their own unique paths to success. The latter which was first released as an independent game has surpassed expectations with its incredible popularity while the first becomes an AAA blockbuster that has won multiple Game of the Year awards.

The head of Larian Studios Vincke, hinted that the possibility of collaboration between Vampire Survivors and Baldur’s Gate 3 in a mysterious tweet. He just offered the choices “Yes” and “F— yes” in a Twitter poll suggesting that the choice had probably already been made.

It’s obvious that both games may require extra content to boost player interest. With an opportunity for renewed interest in Baldur’s Gate 3 before the game’s official release in Q1 2024 the crossover possibility comes at a good time for Larian Studios. Similarly Poncle, the creators of Vampire Survivors may draw in new fans as they collaborate on an animated TV show based on their game which was first revealed a year ago.

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