Top 5 Best guns in Apex Legends, in ranked Gameplay, Credit: Apex Legend
Apex Legends: Top 3 best ultimate combos in game

The reason they are called “ultimate” abilities in Apex Legends is because they have the power to completely change the course of any battle. Two ultimates must be superior if one is good, right? Top 3 best Apex ultimates work well together, resulting in some truly game-defining moments. Since most of these abilities have multiple uses, understanding how an ultimate ability behaves is crucial when determining which ultimates go well together. For instance, Crypto’s EMP ultimate stuns opponents and deals damage to shields, which are both of its clear uses. However, the radius of the ability also includes the destruction of the majority of the game’s placeable tactical abilities, eliminating things like Wattson fences and Caustic traps.

Apex Legends: Top 3 best ultimate combos in game

Players who are knowledgeable about ultimates will know precisely which ones complement other abilities and how various ultimates can be used in various contexts. Players can then get better and win more games as a result of this knowledge.

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3.Nox Gas Grenade + Beast of the Hunt:

Credit: Apex Legend

Typically, it is believed that Caustic’s ultimate functions the best for Caustic. After all, he is the only one who can see past the visual chaos he produces to spot enemies caught in his gas. Unless, of course, another legendary character also uses their ultimate.

In addition to seeing enemies trapped in Caustic’s gas, Bloodhound’s Beast of the Hunt ultimate also enables them to spy on enemies outside of it. How potent this combination can be is obvious given that it gives Bloodhound unrestricted access to fire at enemies while they are hidden by smoke (provided they aren’t also playing Bloodhound, of course).

When you have a Caustic on your team, you’ll probably be fighting in and around gas because obstructing vision is an essential component of their ability kit. Because of this, pairing Bloodhound with the petrol man is a no-brainer, and their ultimate combo is the best illustration of their compatibility.

2.Death Totem + Phase Tear:

Credit: Apex Legend

The union of Octane’s Launch Pad and Revenant’s Death Totem was one of the most infamous metas in Apex. Teams could take on the death form, put a pad next to the totem, and launch themselves at unwary teams. When the team knocked you out of Revenant’s ult, you simply went back to the spot where the Launch Pad was set up and got another chance to push the other team.

This combination became significantly weaker as a result of nerfs to the maximum distance that players could travel on Octane’s pad, but Ash’s Phase Tear is a good replacement. It can cover a similar amount of ground as Octane’s Launch Pad, but it is much better at covering vertical ground. It also keeps players safe while they are in the Phase Tear.

If you’re not even on their plane of existence while you race towards them, how can you get beamed out of the sky and sent straight back to the totem without harming the enemy?

Ash’s portal is a little bit safer thanks to this combination because it can only be used one way. If the Phase Tear has the safety net of the Death Totem, it suddenly isn’t an all-or-nothing ultimate for pushing a team. And if you or a teammate is quickly sent back, there should be enough time to use the portal to return and finish the battle.

1.Interception Pylon + Castle Wall:

credit: Apex Legends

Want to build the best defence possible, even in situations without any available cover to play behind? That can be accomplished by combining the ultimates of Wattson and Newcastle. Wattson and her Interception Pylon have long been most effective indoors, hiding her ultimate in the nooks and crannies that smaller rooms and buildings typically offer.

In this manner, it can fulfil its duty of ensuring that no grenades sneak up on the team while also remaining in position to heal a team’s shields. However, with the addition of Castle Wall, Interception Pylon takes on greater significance as a synergy piece for the creation of new open areas where teams can play instead of being constantly under fire.

It’s great to use the wall as cover, but it doesn’t do much to shield a team from ultimates like Gibraltar, Bangalore, or Caustic that can fall from the sky or otherwise cross the wall. The Interception Pylon steps in at this point to ensure that none of those things manage to get past the sturdy defence of the Castle Wall.

Just be sure to coordinate the precise placement of the Castle Wall if you intend to use this combo. The Interception Pylon should typically be placed directly inside the wall to prevent teams from the opposing side from shooting it. And to make it more difficult for teams to sneak up behind you, try to locate areas with natural cover behind the Castle Wall.

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