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Apex Legends Player's own gun model destroyed their secret hiding place

In Apex Legends, a hiding place is most useful when you’re trying to climb the ranked battle royale leaderboard. These tricky areas, known in Apex as “rat spots,” enable players to blend in and camp covertly. However, if you are ignorant of certain mechanics, hiding in plain sight might not always work out as planned, as one player discovered on April 27.

A Pathfinder can be seen hiding behind an open supply bin in a Reddit video posted by user u/Tmac8811, with his gun skin glitching out of the top of the loot box. If you need more information about Apex Legends Player’s gun models destroying their secret hiding place, then read carefully, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Apex Legends Player’s gun model destroyed their secret hiding place:

A surprisingly large number of focused changes to various guns, Legends, and abilities will be introduced in Apex Legends Season 16. Additionally, every Legend now has a brand-new perk (or, in some cases, two!) to play with as part of the completely revised Legend class system. For a complete list of all the significant adjustments coming to Legends and weapons with Apex Legends Revelry, continue reading.

The funny part of the video is that if the Pathfinder player had holstered their weapon, it would have been a great place to hide. In Apex Legends, especially in ranked matches, improvising to find good hiding spots can be challenging. Most of the time, you have to conceal yourself. Depending on where it is, the back of an open supply bin can make a perfect hiding place.

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As shown in the video, the Pathfinder was well-positioned for concealment and couldn’t have been discovered otherwise because a wall was located behind the open supply container. Naturally, enemies would have no reason to search the supply bin for adversaries. Additionally, the video demonstrates that Pathfinder’s opponents were not equipped with any recon legends, demonstrating that Pathfinder could have remained safe by simply holstering the gun.

However, experienced Apex players will be aware that some seemingly “solid” game objects can be clipped through by character and gun models. This frequently occurs when two players are engaged in a standoff on opposite sides of a closed door. In this instance, all it took to reveal the situation was a small loot bin lid.

Ranked matches can be challenging, so if you’re camped near rats or in the open, be sure to keep your distance from your opponents and only equip weapons when they begin to attack. When you are playing solo, try to third-party the last fight taking place in the final circle rather than being the first aggressor. Survival contributes significantly to the ranked points earned in every match.

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