5 best BGMI loot spots across all maps for all squad. (Credits: BGMI)
5 best BGMI loot places across all maps for all squad

Landing, looting, killing, and surviving are the four pillars of a battle royale match in BGMI. They are linked and have remained constant over time, making the game one of the most popular on mobile devices. Five best BGMI loot spots across all maps

When it comes to Battlegrounds Mobile India’s Classic BR mode matches, looting is vital because it determines players’ paths to the Chicken Dinner. When playing as a squad, it’s critical for IGLs to pick a drop site that has enough loot for everyone in their group.

Which are the best loot places across all maps for squads in BGMI?

1) Los Leones in Miramar

According to its proportions, Los Leones is the largest city on all maps. It also has the best loot in Miramar, with Level 3 loot strewn over the place.

In addition, the city contains a cave that serves as a great loot spot. Teams arriving in Los Leones will have more than enough supplies to advance to the next round.

2) Sosnovka Military Base in Erangel

Dropping into Sosnovka Military Base provides squads with some of the best loot in Erangel. Although it is on the southern island and may be difficult to access if the plane follows a northern route, the loot found nearby compensates.

Even BGMI esports teams like Sosnovka Military Base for its treasure.

3) Midstein in Livik

In BGMI’s Livik, Midstein is the most popular city. It is an urban town with many buildings containing valuable loot.

Midstein’s buildings hold everything, from firearms to ammunition to pharmaceuticals, making it a hotspot for squads looking for treasure.

Also Read: BGIS 2021: Top 3 BGMI teams to keep an eye on

4) Bootcamp in Sanhok

Most squads parachute into the neighbourhood of Bootcamp to get their hands on the riches and engage in initial fights, according to reports.

This location, towards the map’s centre, is frequently in the safe zone, making it easier for squads to collect loot here.

5) Podvosto in Vikendi

Podvosto is a Vikendi city noted for its plentiful riches. This area, like the other cities on the list, serves as a hot-spot and frequently sees a large number of squads in the early rounds of matches.

The amount of guns discovered in Podvosto is more than in any other city in BGMI’s Vikendi.

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