Fortnite Bus Driver: How to Thank the Bus Driver

The 14 days of the Fortnite event are once again live! Epic Games has brought back these challenges so that players can have more time to complete them and earn free rewards.

Fortnite: How to give a command to a hired specialist in a game, Credit: Fortnite
By Shubham Dalal | Feb 1, 2023 | 3 Min Read follow icon Follow Us

The 14 days of the Fortnite event are once again live! Epic Games has brought back these challenges so that players can have more time to complete them and earn free rewards. Dive back into the game ASAP– you have until January 15 to complete all 14 challenges. Over the past few seasons, Fortnite Kill Feed has become an increasingly eccentric location.

From epic three-pointers news on the basketball court to those unfortunate occasions where the entire match is told you “played yourself,” Epic has repeatedly presented news of the ups and downs of each individual Fortnite game. If you need more information about Fortnite Bus Driver: How to Thank the Bus Driver  Then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Fortnite Bus Driver: How to Thank the Bus Driver:

Which almost started as a joke — the ability to thank the bus driver for shipping you to your doomsday — quickly became the most requested feature at Fortnite (opens in new tabs). It’s all thanks to someone named Cody KD, who created a petition called “Add the ability to thank the bus driver before jumping off the war bus at Fortnite.”

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The bus driver in Fortnite rotates all the players through the crack and on the map. The game also has a cute way to show you your appreciation. You can thank him for the ride like every humble looper should! It doesn’t just show thanksgiving, it actually has some in-game uses as well. This is what you need to know about how you tank a bus driver in Fortnite and how it works.

On your PC, thanking the bus driver is done a little differently. If using a controller, this still requires players to push down on the D-pad, but otherwise they’ll want to hit “B” on the keyboard when using the mouse and keyboard setup. Thanks to the bus driver on mobile (for Android or iOS devices) meanwhile, players need to touch the Emote icon on the right side of the screen while on the Battle Bus.

Playing 11 matches may seem too much, but players can speed up the process if they want to die as soon as they land. By the time players die or the game ends, they’ll get credit for the challenge, and fortunately, Fortnite has no shortage of ways to distance themselves.Common tricks used by players include building and jumping a large ladder, or simply landing near the edge of the map and falling from side to dangerous water below. In fact, players can theoretically thank the bus driver, stay in the bus until it flies off the map, and then swim in the sea without setting foot on the imperial map of war.

While you were waiting to jump off the battle bus, you must have noticed the stream of ‘thank you driver’ messages. To join the action, simply tap on the D-pad before jumping. It doesn’t do much yet, perhaps save for a warm feeling in your heart for the kindness shown to a fictional entity, but who knows? Maybe it’s a challenge on the line later.

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