“Ao Ashi” is a manhwa series that explores into the world of soccer, blending sports drama with intense character development. Written by well-known mangaka Yugo Kobaya...
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang 7th Anniversary event has been revealed. Players can excitedly anticipate the numerous thrilling rewards and activities that this spectacular delivers. Al...
Fortnite Battle Royale is turning 6 years old, and Epic Games is throwing a huge party. Players will have a treat with a plethora of missions, awards, and challenges when the v26.1...
The Upthrust Esports Pro Showdown Season 2 is the highly anticipated second season of its exclusive Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) championship. This event, which is scheduled t...
In a bold move to preserve the integrity of the Overwatch 2 gaming experience, developers have waged a relentless war against cheating and disruptive behavior. Since the game’...
Valorant, Riot Games’ amazing free-to-play First Person Shooter (FPS) masterpiece, has revolutionised the gaming world. Players step into the shoes of distinct Agents represe...
Patch 7.04 marked the start of Episode 7 Act 2 on August 29, providing significant changes to the game’s meta. Notably, Jett was nerfed significantly, and a new map was added...
One Piece, the live-action Netflix adaptation of the adored manga series by Eiichiro Oda, has made an impressive debut at the top of the international English-language television r...
Since his debut with the globally renowned boy band BTS, RM, also known as Rap Monster, has captivated audiences with his exceptional talent as a rapper, songwriter, and leader. Al...
The world of K-Pop is filled with extraordinary talent, captivating performances, and unrivaled artistry. Throughout the years, numerous idols have graced the stage and left an ind...