Credit : League of Legends
Why League of Legends Wanted To Add New Jungle Pets as Soon as Possible

This year’s League of Legends preseason added and changed a lot of aspects of gameplay, including changes to items, champions, and some positions. The biggest change in the Rift came between the streets, with a mountain of relative shifts in the forest. The most obvious of these is the “jungle pet”: companions who follow and assist you in performing forest-related tasks during the game.

Jungle pets make playing the jungle much simpler than in the past, and the situation’s “dumb-down” (which includes optimal jungle routes and the addition of objective voting) has left many league fans and players on the fence about its impact. If you need more information about Why Riot wanted to add new Jungle Pets as soon as possible then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

League of Legends Wanted To Add New Jungle Pets as Soon as Possible :

So, league developer Matt Leung-Harrison explained on Twitter earlier today why Riot added jungle pets to the game with the launch of the 2023 preseason. “At Precision, we’re ready to make the jungle more accessible to new players (and existing ones),” Leung-Harrison said on Twitter. “The new jungles playing the game don’t understand any wall-of-text mechanics on previous jungle objects.

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Coming in the year, Riot preferred it to recreate the role of Jungle, as it has traditionally been one of the toughest roles on the Rift, especially for new players. While single and pair lanes are mostly straightforward in their PVP-focused, pushing-and-learning-oriented gameplay, the mix of PVE and PVP for jungles (and optimizing that balance effectively), often takes players off the role altogether.

Sweeping changes to the role came ahead of the newly ranked league season in an effort to make the situation easier for new players, including Jungle Pets. “Pets give an understandable metaphor for why the camps are being damaged, why you recover, why [the jungle] gets a bonus from cleaning the camps, and why some are unlocked rather than arbitrary rules when they (evolution), catchup mechanics (pets are starving).”

Instead of a few arbitrary rules,” Leung-Harrison said. “For new players, it’s far easier to understand. And the changes that have taken place in the forest so far in 2023 seem to be working very well. The effectiveness of players on the situation is greater than ever and according to statistics, the Jungleers are having a greater impact on individual league games than ever before in the early part of the 2023 rank season. per league stats site, nine different Jungle champions have a win rate of more than 53 percent — the second highest in all positions (the middle is at the forefront there). Additionally, 33 of the 47 champions with sufficient data in jungle conditions have positive win rates in single queue games played in platinum allo or more. In addition, jungle is the second most popular role to start 2023, with more than 21 percent of all players, according to league stats site League of Graphs. Meanwhile, master rank and above, jungle is the most popular position in the game.

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