When does the Threat Level event in Apex Legends end?, Credit: Apex Legends
When does the Threat Level event in Apex Legends end?

Threat Level, the newest Apex Legends event, immerses players with its cosmetics into a sci-fi universe filled with space travelers and alien life forms. Plenty of deep purples, brilliant neon, and shiny gold are used throughout the event to complete its futuristic theme. Naturally, if you’re anything like me, you’re also curious about what an event has to offer in addition to the glitzy accessories you can buy.

I enjoy purchasing cool new skins just as much as the next guy, but what gets me excited about an Apex event are new limited-time modes and gameplay changes. I’m constantly searching for the newest twist the game’s developers will introduce. If you need more information about When does the Threat Level event in Apex Legends ends? then read carefully, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

When does the Threat Level event in Apex Legends end?

Threat Level has two options in this regard: Control and TDM-Unshielded. Although Control remains unchanged, you won’t have to wait for it to appear on a mixtape. Control will be playable at any time during the event thanks to a player’s vote on which mode from the regular Mixtape playlist would win. Control will take the place usually held by a new LTM.

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TDM-Unshielded, a slightly harder-core variation of Team Deathmatch without anybody shields and faster gameplay, will temporarily replace TDM in the Mixtape playlist. Gun Run, TDM, or Control were the options. Nobody might have been surprised that Control received the most votes. Control will now be available nonstop for two weeks to players. For the duration of the Threat Level, TDM-Unshielded, Gun Run, and TDM will also be moved into Mixtape.

However, it raises an important question: How long will players have access to these cosmetics and LTMs if they are only available while the event is active?

Players will have two weeks to take advantage of Threat Level’s features before it ends on June 6. Tuesday marks the midweek conclusion of the event. Players will be able to enjoy Threat Level throughout two weekends. After June 6, the limited-edition cosmetics will also be removed from the in-game shop. When they’ll return to the store is unknown. Threat Level will run from May 23 through June 6 and last for two weeks. The event should begin and end at the regular time for Respawn updates, which is typically 12pm CT.

There is no guarantee as to when specific skins or LTMs will return to the game after this event, but Control will undoubtedly take Control’s spot in the Mixtape playlist. Players should make sure to get their fill before June 6 if they want to earn some cosmetic rewards or participate in the available LTMs.

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