Credit: Resident Evil 4 Remake
What Got Cut? 6 Big Scenes Missing from Resident Evil 4 Remake

Resident Evil 4 Remake has taken the gaming world by storm, with its stunning graphics, improved gameplay, and new features. However, fans of the original 2005 game might be nostalgic for some of the scenes that didn’t make the cut in the remake. In this article, we will explore six big scenes that got cut from Resident Evil 4 Remake, including thrilling boss fights, unique environments, and action-packed sequences. What Got Cut? 6 Big Scenes Missing from Resident Evil 4 Remake.

The U-3 Boss Fight

The U-3 boss fight was a tense and terrifying dual-phased battle against a monstrous creature that resembled a scorpion. In the original game, players faced off against U-3 in a falling shipping container storage unit, and then in a large figure eight-shaped area where he would chase them, smashing through doors and exploding oil drums. Unfortunately, this epic boss fight didn’t make it to the remake, depriving players of the opportunity to experience it in the modern RE engine.

The Castle Dragon Room

The Castle Dragon Room was a visually distinct area in the original game where players had to navigate a long, lava-filled hall while avoiding fire-breathing dragon statues in order to reach a treasure chest on the other side. However, this unique environment was reworked entirely in the remake, and players no longer get to experience the thrill of facing off against these menacing statues.

Tiny Salazar’s Huge Stone Mech Chase

Salazar, the funny little villain with a Napoleon complex, had a surprising twist in the original game – he chased players in a gigantic stone mech over crumbling bridges, attempting to stomp them to death. However, in the remake, his stone mech is stuck in one place due to scaffolding, and the thrilling chase sequence is missing, although players can still defeat him by shooting the back of his neck and blowing up his head.

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The Ski-Lift Sequence

Bitores Mendez, a tall and annoying antagonist, had a ski-lift sequence in the original game where players had to ride a ski lift while fending off his henchmen’s attacks. However, this intense section didn’t make it to the remake, and players now only encounter a derelict and nonfunctional ski-lift behind Mendez’s house while defending against other henchmen with fellow survivor Luis.

Ashley Graham Bulldozer Simulator 2005

Ashley Graham, the kidnapped president’s daughter, had a surprising turn of events in the original game where she takes control of a large bulldozer and wreaks havoc through a remote island. Players had to protect her while she plowed through obstacles, providing a unique gameplay experience. However, this thrilling bulldozer sequence didn’t make it to the remake, leaving players without the opportunity to witness Ashley’s badass driving skills.

Room of 100 Lasers

Resident Evil 4 is known for its blend of horror and high-tech elements, and one memorable scene was the room of 100 lasers that protected Osmund Sadler’s chair. In the original game, players had to navigate through a maze of lasers, inspired by a scene from the first Resident Evil movie. However, in the remake, this challenging and intense room was left out.

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