credit: Activision
Warzone 2: How to unlock the Crossbow in the game?

Warzone Season 2 has finally witnessed the return of the fan-favorite Crossbow. In this article, we will be discussing the details of how to unlock requirements for the Crossbow in the game and enable players to acquire this fun weapon.

Warzone 2 has been blessed with the presence of this weapon in Season 2. The Crossbow not only adds entertainment to the pace of the game from traditional metas, but also makes for a great option to use in the past thanks to its unbelievable power and potency – especially when it could take down opponents in one shot.

A harder weapon to use when compared to a more conventional SMG or even the new ISO Hemlock AR, but if players can get locked in and be accurate, they will get great results that can be satisfying. If players are aware of how to unlock the Crossbow in Warzone 2, this guide will show players how to do so in the Call of Duty.

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Unlocking Crossbow in Warzone 2

With the Season 2 Reloaded update pushed in March 15, players can unlock the Crossbow by getting 50 longshot kills with Marskman Rifles in either multiplayer or Warzone 2.

Besides, players can also skip this challenge by buying a Store Bundle in Warzone 2. Before the Season 2 reloaded patch, players need to finish seven challenges during the Path of the Ronin Event. These in-game tasks can be completed in Warzone 2, allowing players to access the Crosbow in the game.

The developers list the weapon as a Marksman Rifle and they have described the weapon as: “Silent and agile, this high-performance crossbow fires 20.0” bolts with exceptional lethality. Exclusive customization, distinct functionality, and unique ammunition types put this weapon in a class of its own. Standard 20.0” bolts are recoverable, and are undetected by trophy systems.”

Warzone 2 Data Heist event details

The Data Heist event is a public event that is currently exclusive to the new Ashika Island Resurgence map and will take place in each match. The developers have confirmed that Data Heist will take place “during the second circle collapse” and will make three uplink stations across the map that is active to players.

Then, players will be required to head to one of them and download the intel buried internally within the device. Players should not that resistance will arrive as AI Shadown Company enemies.

Taking down the soldiers will accelerate the process, but player’s hard work can be undone by opposing enemies being within close proximity to the machine or using the DDOS Field Upgrade.

As with Strongholds and other events of this type, there are risk and reward elements for players, but one of the best parts to consider is the goodies they get on completing Data Heist event.

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