credit: Activision
Warzone 2: How can players win all DMZ rare weapons case rewards

Call of Duty’s DMZ mode offers a lot of weapons and the best loot, but they are not easy to earn, but grinding for them is worth it. In the tarkov-inspired game mode set in Warzone 2’s Al Mazrah map, players fight it out to exfil with the best gear they can get their hands on while completing missions.

Players can earn new guns to use in MW 2 of Warzone 2 by accomplishing certain missions and objectives, and one of the toughest is extracting a rare weapons case.

How to get rare weapons case in DMZ

In an ongoing DMZ match, one rare weapons case is present for players to grab. During a match, players need to open their tac map and locate the rare weapons case icon. A yellow icon with a large radius means that the case is available and in the possession of the enemy AI combatants. A red case means that another squad of players has acquired it.

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If the icon is yellow, the case is in the possession of the Juggernaut, a heavily armored and dangerous enemy AI combatant that will be pretty hard for players to take down. To take the Juggernaut down, a team of players should be fully kitted and equipped.

Once the team manages to take him down, players can pick up the case, but it will alert all players that the case has been picked by another team, enabling them to see it on the tac map as the red case icon. Players will have to successfully exfil to keep the case with them.

List of rare weapon case rewards in DMZ

Players who manage to successfully exfil the weapons case will receive one of the following weapon case rewards.

  • Caution Tape weapon blueprint (RPK)
  • Biohazard weapon sticker
  • Jungle Incognito vehicle skin
  • Gas Gas Gas weapon charm
  • Weapon Crate calling card
  • Weapon Crate emblem
  • Biohazard operator skin (König)

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