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VALORANT: Which Agent are most picked up for play in March

Valorant has grown in popularity since its release, and the most popular Valorant agents have shifted over time. The player base has grown, and the meta is changing with each update. That is why it is critical to stay on top of things. Why is this article significant? The pick rate of the Valorant agents determines not only who is the most popular, but also who is the most effective.

Valorant has a total of 19 Agents, some of whom are unquestionably better than others. This is why shooter fans frequently choose to follow their favourite pros to see which Agents are currently in the meta. Everyone chooses them for some reason, right? And they are most likely to be chosen frequently because they are critical to the game’s success. The most popular agents in VALORANT during March are some of the simplest to learn and play.

VALORANT: Which Agent are most picked up for play in March

Sage continues to be the most chosen agent in VALORANT this month with a pick rate of 25.71 percent, as reported by Valking.gg. Sage is one of the few agents who can heal teammates. Due to their aggressive duelling skills, Jett and Reyna are ranked second and third, respectively, as they are two of the most effective fraggers in the game. Reyna has a pick rate of 22.81 percent, while Jett’s is 23.92 percent.

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It’s also possible that the least-used agents are not a surprise. Harbor, the most recent controller to be added to VALORANT, has a pick rate of 1.53%. Despite having had his skills modified in the past and being reworked, Yoru is the second-least chosen agent with a selection rate of 2.2 percent. The rank at which players compete affects the pick rate of agents. According to the data website Blitz.gg, Jett is the most well-liked agent in Radiant. In comparison to the other members of the VALORANT roster, the duelist has one of the highest average scores (246). Phoenix, Raze, and Reyna all have comparable stat lines and average 247 points.

Over 160 million matches across every game mode, every map, and every rank were used to generate Valorbuff’s statistics. We provide you with the best data possible, directly from the Riot API, which is continuously processed to guarantee its accuracy and applicability to your upcoming game.

Most Pickup AgentPickup Ratio
Raze33.4 %

The game is dominated by agents like Chamber, Viper, and Sage, but the developer has officially revealed who will be the most played agent in March 2023. Prepare to move. The acceptance of agents like Sage rises as one descends the ranks. Sage, for instance, has the highest pick rate (12.1 percent) in Bronze Three. The prevalence of players in the middle and lower ranks is what makes Sage so popular overall. In comparison, there are fewer players in the game’s highest Elos.

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