Source: Twitter/@spread_sahilism
The Breaker: Eternal Force Chapter 62 Release Date and Where To Read

This new manhwa making buzz all around The Breaker: Eternal Force Chapter 62 is soon going to release. Things have begun getting quite serious in the Manhwa series, and fans around the world are really ready to get began on the next chapter of the book after a magnificent fight between Chang Ho and the remainder of the remaining members of the gang.

The newest episode picks up just where the last one left off, with Chang Ho seriously hurt and coughing blood as the fight ends in Sae Hee’s favor. Now Julia realizes she was right; he had, indeed, overdone it.

Release Date and Where To Read The Breaker: Eternal Force Chapter 62

More action will unfold in The Breaker: Eternal Force Chapter 62 which is going to release on June 2, 2023.

  • Indian Standard Time: 2nd June at 7:15 pm
  • Philippines Standard Time: 2nd June at 9:45 pm
  • Pacific Standard Time: 2nd June at 5:45 pm
  • Central Standard Time: 2nd June at 3 pm
  • Japanese Standard Time: 3rd June at 10:45 am
  • Korean Standard Time: 3rd June at 10:45 am
  • Australian Standard time: 3rd June at 11:45 am

In addition to the previously released chapters, you can read the upcoming Chapter 62 of The Breaker: Eternal Force straight on Naver at the times and dates we’ve specified.

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Previously on The Breaker: Eternal Force

In the following section, we witness Pierre’s unexpected fall from the bridge, where he was fortunately rescued by the Boss. When Julia wonders if Pierre is okay, he reassures her that he was simply unconscious and everything is OK. Some time later, it becomes clear that Hyuk So Chun was also present; he was the one responsible for knocking down Pierre. In response to Julia’s shock at seeing him and learning that Hyuk So Chun is a young man, Chang Ho explains that if it is indeed him, then Julia can comprehend how things turned out this way and why he didn’t appear like an average man.

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After that, Chang Ho tells Julia to go rise up Pierre and get the Sun-Woo Clan leader. When she gets there, she asks him if he plans to fight that kid in the condition he’s in, but he says that’s why it’s a good chance, because he wouldn’t even think about fighting him if he wasn’t in such bad shape.
Hyun So Chun, on the other hand, thinks that he can’t see big brother Kang Sung at all. He thinks that he has already lost to that man because he can’t see him.

Later in the chapter, Chang Ho suddenly appears in front of Hyuk So Chun and the rest of the team. He tells them that they are doing some cute things, which is why he is going to provide them some good information right now. He also says that his condition is at its worst, so if anyone wants to kill him, now is the time to do it.

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