TH12 Yeti Titans spam Attack strategy in Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans was a strategy and fun game when it was released, but over time as the game evolved and made its way into esports, the game became very popular, although the game gaining popularity but due to its appearance in e-sports, players will be able to play this game and become more interested in the game, so the level of strategy in the game becomes more difficult. Players train their troops according to different strategies and do so in multiplayer and clan wars. That’s why players create new attack strategies like Gowipe, DragLoons, Goho, Gowibo and HGHB. But today we will discuss the Inferno Dragon attack strategy and how we can get 3 stars in town hall 12. TH12 Yeti Titans spam Attack strategy in Clash of Clans

New Town Hall 12 Yeti Titan Attack Strategy

It is a highly offensive strategy that destroys 12 or more town hall bases in clan wars and multiplayer raids. Players use it in multiplayer battles to level up the title leaderboards and reach League of Legends.

Yeti is a splash-damaging troop. Yetis possess above-average health and attack compared to most damage units. When deployed, they carry a set amount of Yetimites; for every 600 damage he takes, the Yeti spawns a Yetimite, if he still has any remaining. Once destroyed, the Yeti releases any remaining Yetimites he still has. 

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The Yetis’ above-average health and relatively high attack can help the funnel of the main army, especially when the Yetimites that spawn have a deceptively large amount of health to distract other defences, they can jump over Walls and do a large amount of damage to defences, making the funnel even smoother.

The army structure of town hall 12 attack strategy is as follows:

• 4 Electro Titan

• 8 Yeti

• 1 Electro Dragon 

• 1 Minion 

• 1 Headhunter

• 1 Super Wall Breaker

• 3 Wizard 

• 5 Invisible Spells

• 2 Clone Spells

• CC Troops ( 2 Super Archer, 2 super wizard+ 1 Rage spell, 1 Freeze spell + Battle Blimp)

How to use this attack strategy in clash of clans?

Depending on the enemy base, players will understand the army structure and attack strategy and apply it in combat engagements, but it is better to practise attack strategy in multiplayer fights before implementing it. Here are the steps to use this strategy in the game:

• First of all, 1-1 Yeti on each corner of base to create funnel. Now in the middle side, we will deploy all Yeti and electro Titan with Heroes, along with battle blimp.

• When a battle blimp will deploy, use the warden ability for the battle blimp to safely goes centre of the base. when Battle blimp will be sent to the centre of the base. As soon as the Battle Blimp is destroyed, 2 Clone Spell, 1 Rage spell, and 5 invisible Spells will continue to drop on the Super wizard and super Archer, Until the Town Hall other defences is not destroyed.

Finally, this is a powerful attack strategy in Clash of Clans that can be used in both multiplayer and clan warfare.  Players can switch rage spells with lightning spells to take down a High damage defences.

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