Steam Next Fest 2022: Dates, Games, and other details

Steam’s Next Fest gives a lot of creators a chance to show off their upcoming projects. Fans can “test out demos, speak with devs, watch livestreams, and hear about new titles” during the multi-day event. The developers will be able to “receive early feedback from players and establish an audience for a future launch” as a result of this. Steam Next Fest 2022: Dates, Games, and other details.

In early 2022, The Steam Next Fest 2022 will return. During this period, developers will demonstrate their craft by showcasing titles from various genres. Players will be given to a variety of demos to try their hand at.

When is Steam Next Fest 2022 going to take place?

From February 21 (10 a.m. PT / 11.30 p.m. IST) through February 28, Steam Next Fest will take place. According to the event’s official description, players will be able to –

“Check out a new batch of demos from hundreds of upcoming games on Steam. Test them out for free. And check out other features of the fest like the official live stream, developers’ chats, and more. Explore the latest from veteran devs and first timers alike.”

Demos are mostly focused on indie games, and they allow gamers to see what the developers are working on. The option to engage with developers allows the community to provide input on their playthroughs.

Demos will be grouped by genres and sub-genres this time to make it easier for gamers to find titles that fit their preferences. Based on their previous decisions and purchases, the platform would most likely recommend titles that gamers will enjoy.

When the festival goes live tomorrow, there will be a large number of demonstrations available. Boundary, a tactical multiplayer shooting game based on Zero-G, GigaBash, an arena Kaiju brawler game, and the space colony game Occupy Mars are just a few of the games available. Players are eagerly awaiting the announcement of the event’s schedule by Steam.

The last edition of the festival, which took place in October, featured over 700 titles and was a huge success. The event kicks off a week of anticipation for everyone who enjoys indie games and is eager to see what’s coming up next.