credit: Ubisoft
Rainbow Six Operation Solar Raid: Patch notes for the new update

The Rainbow Six Operation Solar Raid patch notes aren’t just about new stuff making its way to the game. They come with a lot of balance changes, especially surrounding ADS movement. Besides, there are smaller quality-of-life fixes for Capitao and Zofia. In this article, we will discuss everything players need to know.

Rainbow Six Operation Solar Raid is the biggest update of Year 7, and Ubisoft has gone all out in this year’s final update. Several projects are being rolled out, including the ranked rework, crossplay and cross-progression, and the latest Nighthaven Labs map and operator Solis.

However, there are still several changes coming to Rainbow Six. The balance changes emphasize minor adjustments to specific mechanics, but they might turn into big meta-shifts.

Changes coming to Rainbow Six Operation Solar Raid

ADS movement change

Rainbow Six Siege is among the most tactical games out there. And, high-speed operators have always been at the forefront of the game since the beginning. Considering everyone in the game is just one headshot away from falling, it’s best to run into the fray and secure a good position early in the game.

The ADS movement change makes all operators walk at the same speed while they are scoped in.

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Rainbow Six Operation Solar Raid patch notes

Operator balancing


  • Can now toggle between asphyxiating bolts and micro smoke grenades on Tactical Crossbow without needing to pull out the bow.


Now a three-speed operator


Now a one-speed operator


Now a three-speed operator


Can now toggle between impact and concussion grenades on KS79 Lifeline without needing to pull out the launcher.

Weapon balancing

ADS movement update

All Operators now move at the same speed while aiming down sights.

How to play Rainbow Six Siege offline?

Rainbow Six Siege comes with an Offline Mode. After the game is installed, players can access two modes without the internet – Situations and Training Grounds, formerly called Terrorist Hunt. The former allows players to get short training scenarios where they are graded on their performance in each situation.

Training Grounds mode, on the other hand, allows players to fight AI enemies while getting familiar maps, mechanics, and positioning. Players can use both offline modes for training in the game. However, these modes don’t allow players to play with other R6 players.

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