Pokemon Sword & Shield. (Image: Twitter)
Pokemon Sword and Shield type chart: Strengths and weaknesses

Every Pokémon has different strengths and weaknesses to certain attacks, based on their type. Knowing the type matchups is essential to make sure each of your Pokémon moves does the most damage possible. Also knowing what your Pokémon are weak against can keep your rivals from knocking them out.

In this Pokémon Sword and Shield guide, we put together a chart of every type’s strength and weakness to help your Pokémon do their best in every battle.


The chart below will let you know which attacks to use and which to avoid based on Pokémon type.

For instance, a bug-type Pokémon’s bug attacks are super effective against grass-, dark-, and psychic-type Pokémon. However, bug-types take increased damage from any fire-, flying-, or rock-type moves.

Keep this chart handy whenever you’re facing off against any trainers — and especially during your Gym Challenges, as each of those trainers specializes in specific Pokémon.

As an example, the first major trainer you fight in Pokémon Sword and Shield is Milo, who specializes in grass-type Pokémon. Looking at the chart below, you’ll want to make sure that you have some Pokémon that can do bug-, fire-, flying-, ice-, or poison-type attacks in your roster. You may also want to take any ground-, rock-, or water-types out of that match — sorry Sobble starters!

Knowing type match ups will be helpful in just about any battle, especially when you’re trying to catch Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokémon.


BugGrass, Dark, PsychicFire, Flying, Rock
DarkGhost, PsychicBug, Fairy, Fighting
DragonDragonDragon, Fairy, Ice
ElectricFlying, WaterGround
FairyFighting, Dark, DragonPoison, Steel
FightingDark, Ice, Normal, Rock, SteelFairy, Flying, Psychic
FireBug, Grass, Ice, SteelGround, Rock, Water
FlyingBug, Fighting, GrassElectric, Ice, Rock
GhostGhost, PsychicDark, Ghost
GrassGround, Rock, WaterBug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
GroundElectric, Fire, Poison, Rock, SteelGrass, Ice, Water
IceDragon, Flying, Grass, GroundFighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
PoisonFairy, GrassGround, Psychic
PsychicFighting, PoisonBug, Dark, Ghost
RockBug, Fire, Flying, IceFighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
SteelFairy, Ice, RockFighting, Fire, Ground
WaterFire, Ground, RockElectric, Grass

Knowing your type match ups is one of the best tools you’ll have in all your battles. But what if you want to make sure your favorite starter Pokémon stays viable throughout your whole journey? Check out our guides for Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble to learn how to make your partner the best it can be.