credit: Blizard Entertainment
Overwatch 2: What does MIT mean in the game?

Overwatch 2 is bringing a new way for players to experience the scoreboard of games so they can check for eliminations, deaths, damage dealt, and healing. On pressing and holding Tab during a match, players will able to see a full rundown of every player’s information on both teams. It includes the character players have chosen and all their stats.

Having access to all the stats will offer players a better sense of the story of whatever match they’re playing. The number of eliminations a player has is shown on the board with “E,” assists can be seen under “A,” deaths are shown under “D.” Besides, damage dealt is “DMG,” and healing is represented using “H.”

While most of those abbreviations are reasonably straightforward, the last and perhaps trickiest of the abbreviations players will see on a scoreboard is “MIT.”

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What does MIT mean in Overwatch 2?

MIT on the Overwatch 2 scoreboard means “damage mitigated.” The stat is somewhat similar to “damage blocked” from the first installment in the franchise, but rather than only counting damage that hits a shield, it includes damage, according to the Overwatch 2 beta patch notes.

Players should note that it is currently in the beta stage and not all damage mitigation is included in that stat. The notes reference abilities such as Lucio’s Sound Barrier, which will be counted toward MIT but isn’t a part of the statistic right now but soon will be.

The game publisher also noted that abilities not included are tagged in the game as “NYI.” Seeing the stat, players will be able to tell whether their lack of MIT is due to a glitch or just the ability has not been included yet. As the game continues to move ahead in the development stage, players can expect more abilities to be included in the MIT stat leading up to the game’s launch in October.

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