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Overwatch 2 support players who keep getting killed by flankers will benefit from this advice

When solo queuing on the competitive ladder, dealing with flanking and diving DPS that concentrate all of their effort on killing one healer can be a nightmare. In Overwatch 2, it’s one of the most frustrating aspects of playing a support character. Too often, DPS players and tanks on a team will be preoccupied with what is in front of them or in the enemy’s backlines and neglect to consider the support heroes that they are leaving behind.

Players frequently aren’t even aware of where their support teammates are on the map as they spam their hotkey to request healing. If you need more information about Overwatch 2 support players who keep getting killed by flankers will benefit from this advice then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Overwatch 2 support players who keep getting killed by flankers will benefit from this advice:

But the complaints continue regardless. Recently, a player voiced their dissatisfaction with teammates who don’t bother to look back and see if their Zenyatta or Ana player is still being harassed by a Sombra, Tracer, or Genji.

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However, some other Reddit users stepped in to the rescue with a tip that might just work. Using the “I need healing” hotkey as a healer can get your teammates’ attention if a hero swap is out of the question and you have teammates who might not be in voice chat. Although some players think healers are the only ones who can hear the command, it can actually be heard by other nearby teammates and can even be misinterpreted as a call for help rather than just for healing.

The structure of 2v2v2 and the condition of tanks are the primary reasons supports can operate at this time. Mercy is able to flee because there is a safe area and a serious threat from the team you are flanking.

She doesn’t fly off to win the fight; instead, she does it to give her team time to deal with the danger. In addition to lacking a tank that can peel for the support, the remaining tank in 5v5 has been changed into a brawler who is more likely to be attacking the Mercy directly than trying to clear a path for a flyer. And if that wasn’t enough, to catch her, all damage heroes received a general speed boost.

Supports never have a fair matchup, but they have tools to delay and influence matches in their favour. Many of those tools have been removed or are no longer as beneficial to them. Supports in Overwatch 2 fear flankers because of this.

While it’s not a guarantee, if you’re getting flanked and ganked repeatedly, one would hope that any teammate interested in winning some games would turn to give their backline a little assistance after hearing enough cries for assistance. Therefore, the next time a Sombra main on your team seems to be off by themselves, send them a message in team chat and don’t be hesitant to press the hotkey to summon help.

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