The ping system in Overwatch 2 is finally undergoing changes from Blizzard, Credit: Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2: Best Tracer counters in game

The fastest hero in the roster of Overwatch 2 champions is Tracer. If they are skilled, each Tracer should be able to enter and exit conflict with ease. They’ll teleport to the locations from which they were shooting just a moment ago after magically appearing in front of you and spraying you with bullets. You’ll struggle to outwit a swift Tracer with accurate shooting. That implies that you must learn how to respond to her. Fortunately, there are a few people who can take her on from the OW2 roster.

If you have a choice between high and low ground, choose the latter because it not only improves your sightlines but also restricts Tracer’s ability to move. One of Overwatch 2’s most deadly DPS can be defeated by controlling the areas from which she can pressure you.

Overwatch 2: Best Tracer counters in game

It can be difficult to find a successful counter for a dominant opponent, especially when you need to react quickly. Why not use this list right away instead of trying out a tonne of different heroes only to end up with 20 more deaths in your stats? Simply look up the hero you want to discard in the left column to determine which character would be the best choice. Here’s who counters Tracer in Overwatch 2:


Tracer’s grenade is deflected by Cassidy’s. They’ll have to use their recall to avoid the grenade, giving you some breathing room from the server’s fastest hero. A Tracer can be destroyed with two solid shots from Cassidy’s revolver.


The biggest pain in Tracer’s side is Torbjörn’s turret. It makes it difficult to sneak around and surprise your teammates. Torbjörn will be a great counter to Tracer because of her low maximum health and the fact that his shotgun is nothing to be trifled with.


Tracer is shredded by the pure explosive damage of Junkrat. He can deal with a Tracer incredibly well with his primary fire and mines. A Tracer is still a very strong hero to play against a Junkrat, but the higher your rank, the more likely it is that he will learn how to work around one.


This Support with a shield can face off against any Tracer and probably prevail. As you boop her into another teammate, her Whip Shot will force Tracer to engage in different duels and deal 70 damage on a successful hit. This along with a Shield Bash will be more than sufficient to stop a bothersome Tracer from creeping up on your team.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Reaper
  • Sombra
  • Zarya
  • Mei

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